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Thread: I-MIG 200E- is this real?

  1. #1

    Default I-MIG 200E- is this real?

    Not trying to stir any pots but just wondering if this is a real product or not? I cant find anyone who actually has one. No online reviews, youtube or forum posts showing someone that has gotten anything other than the the regular 200. Not knocking that machine as it does offer some nice options over "just a mig" but that is all I'm looking for "just a mig". I already have a couple of stick welders and dont have any need or want for tig. I have been turned away from multi process units ( been told the purpose built machines are more robust with better duty cycles) but it seems like the 200E has been out of stock since its release. I have heard that the price is close between the 200/200E but I'm still a little confused.

    not trying to annoy but im still doing research.


  2. #2


    Don't confuse a multi unit with MIG and stick to one with TIG, Stick and Plasma. Those units have two inverters in them and they have more stuff crammed in the same place. With a MIg/stick or a MIG/TIG/Stick, it is different and you don't have the same issue. Much different dynamics at play internally. We do only produce very limited amounts of the 200E, because the regular 200 outsells it many times over. The regular 200 is dual voltage, which the 200E is not, plus it is digitally controlled, with inductance/arc force features. Overall it's a better design imho. For the slight additional money, it offers better performance. There is no difference in duty cycle.

  3. #3


    Mark, thanks for the clarification. That makes sense to me now. Still in the planning (money raking) stage and probably looking too closely at some of this stuff. So far the plan is to get a solid mig (imig200 or mts200) and a plasma (60s or bigger). I appreciate your patience with a noob and I'll be sure to call you when I'm ready to order.

    btw, Chucke2009 and Mr tig have also helped me along this road. love those videos.

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