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Thread: I want to buy an Everlast 250EX, but I have a few questions.

  1. Default I want to buy an Everlast 250EX, but I have a few questions.

    I am looking to buy the 250ex, the cooler, and a cart. I am not sure which torch I should purchase with the welder, or use what it comes with, if it comes with a water-cooled torch. I will be using the machine mainly for aluminum boats, and I will be in some tight spots at times. Maybe a little insight from some seasoned Everlast guys. What water-cooled torch would you buy?

    I heard there is a new model of the 250EX for 2015. Is this true? If so, what are the differences/changes?

  2. #2


    The 250EX may have some internal changes, but not anything significant to the operation, look or feel of the unit.

    As far as the water cooled torch, I'd love to sell you a CK Flex loc 230 with that unit. It's a good torch and ideal for those tight spots you are concerned about.

  3. #3


    A wp20 torch or the flex lock ck230 are good choices. A SSC foot pedal is better than the standard foot pedal the machine comes with, in my opinion (you can get this version pedal from everlast or SSC if from SSC you'll need to cut the connector off the stock pedal or buy a spare connector from everlast and then solder it on the pedal). IF I were you I'd pass on the everlast cart and build your own. I got the cart with my purchase a few years back and if I had to do that over again I wouldn't. The top shelve broke and I had to replace that with a design of my own. Never had anything more on it than the welder and didn't abuse it. When I put a 300 cuft cyl on the cart the axle wouldn't turn, too much weight on it for the way it's designed. Just the wheels would turn on the axle, made it difficult to move the cart around. Had to mod that with bearings in order to solve that problem. Had to replace the bottom shelve too. Maybe they've made the cart better over the past few years, but I don't know.

    Look at these post for some more details in regards to your question. You could search and find even more post about your question too.

  4. #4


    as to my welder (250ex analog) and water cooler I been very please with those, no complaints what so ever. Had I minor problem with the pump on the cooler leaking but the guys at everlast took care of that really quick. Shipped a replacement pump from the west coast to the east coast. Pump showed up two days after I called about the problem. Simple to replace the pump. Pump has been working perfectly since, so no complaints about that or the initial problem. Everything can have a problem with it what matters is how it's resolved, which was quickly and at no cost to me, what more could you ask for? Doesn't get any better than that.

  5. #5


    I vote for the CK Flexloc 230 also.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  6. #6


    the ssc pedal is a great pedal and i went with a number 20 speedway torch....sweet torch
    250 ex
    205 mig
    milwaukee grinder
    140e mig

  7. Default

    Will the CK Flex Loc 230 plug in directly to the machine, or does it need any additional hardware? This is for the water cooled version.

  8. #8


    All your CK products come less the DINSE connector. You have to buy that (DINSE connector) in the QD version to get the one water connector then buy the additional two connectors, 1 water, 1 gas.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    All your CK products come less the DINSE connector. You have to buy that (DINSE connector) in the QD version to get the one water connector then buy the additional two connectors, 1 water, 1 gas.
    Can you send me a link to the items you are talking about? I looked online and there are 2 different size DINSE connectors. I didn't see the QD version, nor did I see the other 2. Thanks for the help.

  10. Default

    This must be the right DINSE. Looking for the other 2 connectors, though.

  11. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	408 
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ID:	12926

  12. #12


    For the FL230, it is a SLWHAT-35-QD. We sell them, but they are not on our site as of yet.

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