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Thread: 200DX/pulse question

  1. Default 200DX/pulse question

    Love the 200DX Tig welder.
    Is it just me, or does it seem that as you come off the pedal mid-weld, you lose the effectiveness of the pulse?
    I'm using a very slow tempo, on the order of 1-1.5pps on some thin aluminum (1/16) and as I'm working my way across and want less heat and roll off the throttle, I just get a steady arc, rather than the hard 'on/off' I had previously. Should the pulse be functional regardless of the pedal position?

    Thanks in advance--

  2. #2


    Since you are using a foot pedal do you have the downslope set to zero?
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
    ThermalArc 181i
    Lincoln ProCut 25
    Victor O/A Torch
    Jackson Pro Variable
    Jackson HSL100 Passive w/Phillips Gold #10
    Tweco Weldskill Auto-Darkening

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chrispy350 View Post
    Love the 200DX Tig welder.
    Is it just me, or does it seem that as you come off the pedal mid-weld, you lose the effectiveness of the pulse?
    I'm using a very slow tempo, on the order of 1-1.5pps on some thin aluminum (1/16) and as I'm working my way across and want less heat and roll off the throttle, I just get a steady arc, rather than the hard 'on/off' I had previously. Should the pulse be functional regardless of the pedal position?

    Thanks in advance--
    Perhaps the pulse amps percentage is the percentage of the panel setting, not what the pedal is set for. So as you lower the output you could fall under that setting and lose pulse. Just a guess, but I know on machines that have a pulse amps instead of pulse percentage, that is what happens. If you are only welding at mid pedal, I can see that being more likely. Try adjusting your max amps so that you can do most of the weld at full pedal, then just back off a little as things heat up. It may be a combination of design and parameters. I'm sure someone from Everlast can supply the details about their pulser design and settings for that machine. Also when you have an issue, it is always helpful to post all your settings.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. Default 200DX/pulse question

    Thanks guys.
    Yes, I have the slope turned to zero.
    I very much like the explanation that as I use less pedal I'm dropping below the pulse amps threshold, and normalling out.
    Need to continue to find the sweet spot where I get the most pulse control.
    FWIW, I'm using a 3/16 lanthanated tungsten on 1/16 3003 w/ 3/16 1100.
    It's all new metal, so I have the cleaning set to almost minimum on the balance and the freq around 120 or so.
    I'm typically pulsing around 2pps, 50% pulse amps, 75% pulse time.

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