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Thread: SSC or Everlast foot pedal?

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  1. Default SSC or Everlast foot pedal?

    I recently purchased a new 2015 255EXT TIG welder. It came with new pedal, it's gear driven no belt. Other than a little glittery when pressing it works fine. Is there any advantage to replacing it with the SSC pedal? Would I notice any difference? The SSC pedals are about $170. If it's worth it I'll get one, if not I'll keep what I have.

  2. #2


    You have a brand new pedal,,,,foot pedals get dropped, wear out , driven over in the shop and destroyed through rough use,,,getting an ssc pedal as a replacement is something else,,,if you have an extra 170 bucks burning a hole in your pocket,,,I would suggest a better helmet or something like that,,,in the mean time work with the pedal you have until it craps out...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. Default

    Thanks for the reply. I just hear so many people complaining about pedals I was just wondering if it made a noticeable difference. I know most of their issues were with the older belt drives though. This is my first TIG and I wouldn't know if it wasn't working as good as it should. The learning curve is enough without fighting something like a sub par pedal. I'll keep the pedal and move on.

  4. #4


    they are very nice pedals ...but the everlast 1 will be just fine for now....let me know what you think of the 255....just about bought that over the 250 ex.
    250 ex
    205 mig
    milwaukee grinder
    140e mig

  5. Default

    I got the welder for all the AC wave form choices and the advance pulse setting. All the power doesn't hurt either. So far it's been great. I've been able to go low enough to weld razor blades together, sharp side together butt joint .008" thick. I haven't seen how thick it will go yet. Only one issue, it has problems with the HF. It won't start on occassion unless I touch the tungsten to the work piece first. It gets a E04 error, but as soon as I touch the tip it then fires off fine. This happened from brand new. Everlast was going to send me a new one, but Oleg asked if I could replace the control and memory board first. I really didn't want to send it back anyway so I agreed. It's only an inconvenience for now. I just didn't want to get worse. The boards should be arriving soon. We'll see if it takes care of the problem.

  6. Default

    I picked up a new SSC pedal. While it feels very nice under my foot, I hope I get a chance to use it with my welder.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by RV8guy View Post
    I picked up a new SSC pedal. While it feels very nice under my foot, I hope I get a chance to use it with my welder.
    Are you still waiting on a warranty repair?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  8. Default

    Yes. I usually mean to call most days but can never seem to get home during business hours.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Howard Beach, NY./ Long Island, NY. (Southold)


    SCC pedal by all means. Worth every penny. My Lincoln Tig welder came with a SCC pedal from the factory. SCC is the origional supplier for all Lincoln Tig products. The supplied pedal with my Everlast 250 EX was operational from new. Being a machinest, I immediately opened it for inspection. I drilled 2 detents on the gear shaft to receive the set screws to prevent gear spin on the shaft. I accurized & set the rehostat with a ohm meter, lubricated all inner workings and zero set the pedal in the neutral position. I've used it over a year with no problems, but I desired the lower profile SCC pedal under my foot. Although the Everlast pedal has about a half inch longer stroke, (approximate from memory), I believe the SCC to be more accurate on arc start and function of travel. (more linear on arc control) Oh, forgot to say I have the Everlast pedal with the belt (straight tooth Gilmor style).

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by fletchersmac View Post
    SCC pedal by all means. Worth every penny. My Lincoln Tig welder came with a SCC pedal from the factory. SCC is the origional supplier for all Lincoln Tig products. The supplied pedal with my Everlast 250 EX was operational from new. Being a machinest, I immediately opened it for inspection. I drilled 2 detents on the gear shaft to receive the set screws to prevent gear spin on the shaft. I accurized & set the rehostat with a ohm meter, lubricated all inner workings and zero set the pedal in the neutral position. I've used it over a year with no problems, but I desired the lower profile SCC pedal under my foot. Although the Everlast pedal has about a half inch longer stroke, (approximate from memory), I believe the SCC to be more accurate on arc start and function of travel. (more linear on arc control) Oh, forgot to say I have the Everlast pedal with the belt (straight tooth Gilmor style).
    Quote Originally Posted by rick9345
    My 250EX
    on mine the on/off micro sw was hanging so enlarged hole for clearance
    then adjusted the belt so potentiometer wheel and belt aligned and rolled straight.
    then adjusted wheel on shaft to get full sweep 47-0 ohms with 47 just after micro sw turned on
    adjusted pedal stop
    reduced spring pressure on pedal for better feel
    added a heel clip to move arch of foot over the pedal pivot point
    put some non slip feet on and widened base
    works better than my stock Miller sdt

    toothed belt wheel on pot slips on shaft, replace screws with short course sheet metal ones

  11. #11


    More pedal
    Like a pair of pants one size does not fit all.
    As I am a fidler, I am always customizing my machines/controls to suit me.
    All things have production compromises built in, sometimes just smoothing the edges of things can make a big difference in proformance or ease of operation.
    Nowadays COST RULES. Both to the consumer and producer. Some times $'s and expectations get mixed up.

  12. Default Ssc pedal

    I recently got the SSC pedal on my 255ext. Its definetly a nice pedal, but the main difference is that you get less range on the SSC pedal. Meaning because of the different resistor you have to be really easy with the pedal or you get more amperage than you want. While the original pedal that came with the unit has more range and travel. What i really like about the SSC pedal is that its just bigger in size and more stable, meaning it doesn't move around like the Everlast one. If they could somehow get more travel like the everlast pedal and make it more stable like the SSC, you would have the perfect pedal. But you get used to it. Was it worth it to get the SSC? I think so, but they both have their benefits. The everlast pedal is actually not bad at all. Hope that was helpful

  13. Default

    I have the new pedal with the gear drive rather than the belt. The movement was a little rough when I got it almost like it would stick and then move. Once I opened it up and loosened the pot mounting nut it freed up and is now is very smooth. It is very unstable to where if you aren't careful it will tip over. I may just make a larger base for it. I think it's fine for now.

  14. Default

    Keep us updated on the arc start issue. My 325ext is having the same issue.

  15. Default

    The new boards didn't work, it was actually. The welder would start up in stick mode instead of TIG and it would max out 160amps even though the read out was set at 250. It's probably a tuning issue or a mismatch with the boards. I'm going to exchange it for a new unit since it's been happening since it was new. Just waiting on some more to come in.

    Does your 325ext have the same problem that when you go to strike and arc nothing happens then if you touch the tungsten to the work piece lift it back up and press the pedal again and it works? One other thing crossed my mind. If the argon doesn't flow the HF won't work. I'm going to check and make sure the solenoid is working tonight. Sometime I would notice the preflow time would vary in how long before the arc starts.

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