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Thread: Sputtering in AC mode

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  1. Default Sputtering in AC mode

    I have a 250ex. Been welding steel and machine running perfect. Today I decided to weld aluminum here is where the problem starts. Welds fine but when I back off the pedal to finish the weld it sputters and pops and won't hold a stable arc. This seems to happen about 20 amps or less. If I start with low amps it sputters then also. Below is some things I have tried
    1. Sharpened tungsten properly made a mirror smoothe finish
    Also left rough finish same results
    2. Ran from 8 to 30 scfh. No help
    3. Balance and hertz different setting no help
    3. Ground directly to work price. No help
    4. Changed torch parts. No help
    5. Cleaned metal acetone stainless brush. No help
    6. Gas is flowing from torch as it should
    7. Argon is down to about 750 lbs.
    machine is about 2 weeks old. Welds steel just fine down to minimum amps
    High freq . works every time. Any ideas???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Southern Middle TN


    Quote Originally Posted by Chevelle69 View Post
    I have a 250ex. Been welding steel and machine running perfect. Today I decided to weld aluminum here is where the problem starts. Welds fine but when I back off the pedal to finish the weld it sputters and pops and won't hold a stable arc. This seems to happen about 20 amps or less. If I start with low amps it sputters then also. Below is some things I have tried
    1. Sharpened tungsten properly made a mirror smoothe finish
    Also left rough finish same results
    2. Ran from 8 to 30 scfh. No help
    3. Balance and hertz different setting no help
    3. Ground directly to work price. No help
    4. Changed torch parts. No help
    5. Cleaned metal acetone stainless brush. No help
    6. Gas is flowing from torch as it should
    7. Argon is down to about 750 lbs.
    machine is about 2 weeks old. Welds steel just fine down to minimum amps
    High freq . works every time. Any ideas???
    I have this problem also and have tried all of the above. He machine welds fine but arc is unstable at lower amps. I was thinking its a foot pedal issue and plan on getting the USA made pedal.
    Everlast Powertig 250EX
    Worlds Quickest Oldsmobile Powered Vehicle
    397 cid Twin Turbocharged Oldsmobile

  3. Default

    Just for kicks I used the torch switch and set the up and downslope to mimic what I was doing with the foot pedal.
    Same problem!!!

  4. #4


    Try this

    When using foot pedal set start amps and end amps to ZERO

    Some time I forget to do this if I have been using torch switch

    And I forget to reset when switching back to torch switch

    IF your 250EX is points model check point setting inside. The manual has settings
    Last edited by rick9345; 03-06-2015 at 03:02 AM.

  5. Default

    All settings for torch switch are at zero. As I said the hf starts fine every time. It's just when I back of and get down to less than 20 amps it sputters. No way I can weld at the low end it is rated for. Haven't checked the points does the control panel and rear panel have to come off to get the cover off? It looks like they do. Machine works fine except for the low amp thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    It all depends on what you mean by sputtering. If you mean that the arc is unstable and wanders around, that is almost always caused by too low current for that size tungsten. Don't expect a 3/32" tungsten to weld nice at 10 amps, cause it just won't. If you want a stable arc at 20 amps, an .040" tungsten would be best, and 1/16" ground to a needle would be second choice. Anything bigger won't get hot enough at that current. Points are only for the HF start, so as soon as the main arc is going they do nothing. As long as you are getting good HF starts, the points are doing their job. Low amps on aluminum is a bit tricky and does take some practice. Keep your arc length as short as possible. A good rule of thumb is to shoot for about one tungsten diameter. Make sure your cup is large enough to shield your weld pool and the cleaning area. About 6x tungsten dia. is a good start. Too much argon is just as bad as too little. Set the flow based on cup size and be sure you are not mixing up CFH and LPM. Different flow meters have different calibrations, so make sure you know what you have. Make sure you don't have a breeze where you are welding and watch out for excessive torch angle. All kinds of things make a lot more difference for low amp aluminum. Steel is about the easiest, then stainless, then aluminum, and the lower the amperage the harder and less forgiving it is. Things you can get away with on steel you can't on aluminum, But it will make you a better welder on all materials. If you are working on thin material, you can also move your AC balance to give a little more cleaning. That will cause less penetration so you will have more control. It just takes a lot of practice.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 03-06-2015 at 03:48 AM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. Default

    There it is!!! I'm using a 3/32 tungsten on 1/8 material. Welds fine but when I taper to end the weld it kinda pops and sputters if I taper way low. If I don't taper amperage all the way then terminate its fine. So what your saying makes perfect sense. The problem is not the machine it's behind the hood. LOL.
    So if I use a smaller tungsten I should be able to go lower in amperage without all the sputter.

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