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Thread: porosity problem

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Running the water cooled torch without water is always a bad plan, that is really old info from a different torch manufacturer that keeps haunting Everlast. While it won't hurt the torch that much, it will destroy the power cable in short order. You will know if you did because water will leak all over the place.

    For the argon clamp, you can always use a small bit of stainless safety wire to clamp the hose, or an auto parts store will have small crimp type emissions system hose clamps.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  2. #22



    I will always run with the cooler from now on. The WP18 torch would get a little warm, but never to much to hold. That may not mean anything though. I didn't notice any leaks. Now its always cool!

    I'll check the autoparts store tomorrow for clamps. I had a heck of a time getting the water line onto the Miller barbed connector. I boiled a cup of water the microwave and put the connector and hose in the cup. After a bit of persuading, it finally went on. I'll see how the new torch works tomorrow. Its so thin compared to the monster 18!


    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  3. #23


    The torch is NOT good for use up to 160 amps. Not sure who told you that, but they were badly mistaken. It should not be used at all without water

  4. #24



    Sorry, I don't remember who I spoke to. It was late 2011. I called up and ordered the welder over the phone. At any rate, I'll only run it with water from now on.


    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

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