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Thread: 20F torch plumbed wrong?

  1. Default 20F torch plumbed wrong?

    I just received a 325ext with a #9 and #20 torch. I have the #9 in use but while checking out the water cooled torch I blew through the lines coming out of it, one blue, one black (not sure which is return or feed, if it matters). I think something is up since blowing through the blue hose sends air out of the torch head. Blowing through the black hose blows air out of the jacketed hose the would connect to the GAS port on the machine. I'm afraid to even hook it up, is this wrong?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by WhitsonMetal; 04-05-2015 at 12:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by WhitsonMetal View Post
    I just received a 325ext with a #9 and #20 torch. I have the #9 in use but while checking out the water cooled torch I blew through the lines coming out of it, one blue, one black (not sure which is return or feed, if it matters). I think something is up since blowing through the blue hose sends air out of the torch head. Blowing through the black hose blows air out of the jacketed hose the would connect to the GAS port on the machine. I'm afraid to even hook it up, is this wrong?
    The blue is the argon in. The smooth black is the water in to the torch and the large black that comes out of the DINSE plug is the return water. It is always best to blow through to make sure as you did. Everyone seems to want to connect the water return line to the argon, since that is how a gas cooled torch is hooked up. However, water cooled is a totally different beast. The water not only cools the torch, but it cools the power wire. That is why it has to come out of the DINSE plug. Otherwise the power line would need to be a giant cable like your ground cable to handle the power. By water cooling they can run 325 amps through what looks like a little 10 gauge wire.

    Everlast might want to redo the drawing of the lines in the manual, since they cross in the picture, you might not notice that the one is shaded and could get them mixed up. It is drawn correctly, but could be a little better.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 04-05-2015 at 12:13 AM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. Default

    Wow, I would have never guessed that. Why wouldn't the large black be argon like it is on the #9, blue even looks like water lol.

  4. #4
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by WhitsonMetal View Post
    Wow, I would have never guessed that. Why wouldn't the large black be argon like it is on the #9, blue even looks like water lol.
    Because on a gas cooled, that line is gas and on a water cooled, that line is water.

    Before DINSE and quick connects they used to make the water lefthand thread and the gas righthand to avoid confusion.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    I can see why blue might be considered the color of water. Also blow through the lines just in case. Some units have all black lines.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6


    Glad I saw this thread. I just made that mistake. Unfortunately I didn't see it before I cut off the quick-connect for the argon. Oh well. A note in the box saying which is which and to blow-check would be useful. I also would have assumed the DINSE connector was the supply, not the return. One more mistake averted.


    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  7. #7


    The manual does tell you to do that. Be sure you download it from online if you do not have one.

  8. #8



    I looked for the torch manual under but didn't see anything there. I tried under as well.

    Where should I be looking?


    Everlast PP256
    Smith Oxy/Acetylene torch
    Atlas 10-F QC54 Lathe
    Seig X2 Mill modified for CNC

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post

    I looked for the torch manual under but didn't see anything there. I tried under as well.

    Where should I be looking?


    It is in the current PP256 machine manual.

    Page 12

    The older machine manuals did not have that diagram or specific setup instructions.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  10. #10


    I think it's also in the water cooler manual.

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