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Thread: 200dx pedal stopped working properly

  1. #1

    Default 200dx pedal stopped working properly

    I have a belt pedal. I checked the adjustment, and it's fine. It creates an arc just enough to get a spark but no amperage control and not enough to weld anything. The trigger still works fine, but I really need the fine control of the pedal.

    I think I've had it for about three years, and it just started happening. It's a 220v only model that doesn't show the current adjusted amperage while the pedal is being used.

    I called support at everlast and they told me to turn the amperage to zero. But I couldn't check it because I was at work. Thing is I was under the impression that the amperage worked as a limiter just like the Miller syncrowave. In fact I had in the past tried it at different amperage settings wondering about that, and at zero I got zero amperage. Turning up the amperage knob was the only way I got power to the torch using the pedal.

    Then the pedal just stopped working. No setting change it happened in the middle of a welding session. Everything was fine and then the amperage just wasn't there. I pulled the pedal apart and checked it, and it was fine. Then I ran it again and I have just enough amperage to spark but not weld. My first thought is that maybe I have a bad potentiometer but don't have a volt meter here to check it.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

  2. #2


    belt pulley on potentiometer may have slipped. check ohms at output. readjust, plastic pulley replace the small set screw with a coarse sheet metal screw. of course check electrical connections

    check this post

  3. #3


    Potentiometer did not slip. That was the first thing I checked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Without a meter it's going to be a little harder to check things out. Even a Harbor Freight cheapy meter will be good enough for this. Be sure to check at the pins on the plug so you can verify the cable too. Pedal cables tend to get a lot of abuse, so you might have a break in it.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    Walmart has them for 10.00 last I looked. It would be good to have one for more things than just checking a foot pedal, and you should get multiple uses out of them.

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