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Thread: 250EX vs 255EXT

  1. Default 250EX vs 255EXT

    Hello All,

    I'm about set on picking up an Everlast TIG and a cooler. I'm deliberating between the 250EX and the 255EXT. The price points of the two are close enough, so it really comes down to usability and reliability.

    This machine would see about 95% aluminum work on 240V supply and 5% SS. We do a lot of 6010 in the 1/8" range and a fair amount of sheet work in 5XXX and 3XXX from .063 to .100".

    Obviously the 255 has all the digital waveform options. The guy that would be running this machine most of the time is currently driving a dynasty which he loves...from what I can tell though he never changes a setting on the machine so it may as well be a syncrowave. He leaves the amps maxed out on the unit and runs it old school from the pedal with few exceptions. That being said...can any of you that actually have one of these comment on whether or not you use these features? Are there any appreciable productivity gains?

    Knowing that he prefers to run everything from the pedal side should I opt for an upgraded pedal from the get go?

    I also noticed that the 250 specifies an Infineon IGBT module, but the 255 just says IGBT module. Perhaps one of the Everlast reps can address the pro/con of this.



  2. #2


    Actually some of the IGBT technology has changed on the 250EX and 255EXT and the components used, so we will be updating it soon as soon as I get the specific info from Duncan who is over there now.

    When it comes down to it from what you describe, the 255EXT is the unit to go with. It really is. It will handle 6010 better than the 250EX. It will also give the flexibility if and when it is needed with the wave form and with the pulse modes. It can also easily store several programs. Productivity can be increased through the use of different wave forms and the Advanced AC pulse.

    I like the new fan design of the 255EXT which makes it quieter and runs cooler overall (though neither have had duty cycle issues that I am aware of).

    I'd definitely step up to the SCC pedal for what he sounds like he is doing. Also a water cooler.

    Contact me if you want a quote. I assume you've already got a torch that he/you are happy with?

  3. Default

    Love my 255ext!

    My go to machine for the the heavy welding....
    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  4. Default

    Roger back any new info on that machine....its looking like the right one for me.

    I hadn't thought as far as a torch yet, but if you guys could bundle in the higher end pedal and a cooled torch from the get go that would definitely be of interest.

  5. #5


    We offer it as an option. The unit is bundled with a water cooled torch and an air cooled torch.

  6. Default

    Still running the stock torch but I did get an SSC pedal for it not to long ago...

    Nice improvement but I don't do much pedal work...

    Here it is getting a full power work out...
    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Caron View Post
    Still running the stock torch but I did get an SSC pedal for it not to long ago...

    Nice improvement but I don't do much pedal work...

    Here it is getting a full power work out...
    Thanks for posting that link and hosting your youtube channel. Enjoy your 'goofy humor' and artistry.

    For John (the OP): Have you looked at or considered the 210EXT? Seems like a good fit for the materials you mentioned.

    imig 200
    PowerTig 210 EXT

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hutchinson Kansas


    When you said "We do a lot of 6010 in the 1/8" range and a fair amount of sheet work in 5XXX and 3XXX "

    Were you referring to 6010 aluminum sheet or 6010 stick welding rod?

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