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Thread: Canadian 210ext vs. 250ex

  1. #1

    Default Canadian 210ext vs. 250ex

    I am not sure if spending a little more on the 210 ext is going to benefit me.
    Some stick welding, some tig chromoly welding, and would like to learn to Aluminum weld.

    I do not need dual voltage, I have 220 in shop. 255ext is more than I want to spend.

    Would you think 250ex is way to go, and use the saved money to get some better accessories down the road?

    Dougmoor Burns.

  2. #2


    A 250ex would do just fine. It provides power and flexibility allowing you to do the welding you desire.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  3. #3


    I agree. 250EX will do probably all you need no problem there. Then use the cash for a CK torch. I have had a few 250EX machine, I have a 210EXT and 255ext now. Miss the 250EX as I would glance at the knobs and see a wrong setting in seconds, but that is me. It order another machine it will be a 250EX or MTS maybe.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. #4


    I agree about the torch. Get a CK 20 series torch, then either order up a cooler from here, or make one up. Along with myself, others on this site have done this. There is lots of info here on coolers. My oem foot pedal slipped it's cogs one last time for me. I'm sure that the oem pedals are better now, gonna go out and test out the ssc pedal I ordered up recently.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  5. #5


    CK 20 flexlok my first choice, or at least flex head.
    I use a CK 20 series FL1525SF Flex lok gas cooled with a series 3 head and super flex hose 25ft
    I too like at a glance knob settings of the 250EX is an upgrade from my Miller 250 Syncrowave
    Quote Originally Posted by rick9345
    My 250EX
    on mine the on/off micro sw was hanging so enlarged hole for clearance
    then adjusted the belt so potentiometer wheel and belt aligned and rolled straight.
    then adjusted wheel on shaft to get full sweep 47-0 ohms with 47 just after micro sw turned on
    adjusted pedal stop
    reduced spring pressure on pedal for better feel
    added a heel clip to move arch of foot over the pedal pivot point
    put some non slip feet on and widened base
    works better than my stock Miller sdt

    toothed belt wheel on pot slips on shaft, replace screws with short course sheet metal ones

    More pedal
    Like a pair of pants one size does not fit all.
    As I am a fidler, I am always customizing my machines/controls to suit me.
    All things have production compromises built in, sometimes just smoothing the edges of things can make a big difference in proformance or ease of operation.
    Nowadays COST RULES. Both to the consumer and producer. Some times $'s and expectations get mixed up.

  6. #6


    The pedal you described is the economy pedal. That does not come with the 250EX any longer. It's been redesigned completely.

  7. #7


    It's kind of funny. I tried the SSC pedal out and the difference was like day and night. I tore the oem pedal apart several times and did many of the same things that Rick has described. More messing around time means less welding time. The 250ex has always been a great machine. The old oem pedal was it's weakest link, and I'm glad that the new oem pedals are much better. My old pedal has now been repaired once again, and is a backup.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  8. #8


    Hmmm!! what pedal is used now on 250ex . Up grade for my older one?

  9. #9



    I believe this website has the current pedal used on the 250ex for sale. I looked at it and it's much better than the old rack and pinion model. I'm sure that the 50K 7 pin model will work just fine.

    Performance can be more of a help than I can, and I'm sure that he might chime in here!
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

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