I've been playing with and learning welding on my 255 for the last three months, and watching a ton of YouTube videos. Yes, it probably sounds like I'm a welding hack, but I think I'm doing pretty good. I can make nice looking, and strong welds between 1/8" aluminum sheet, and have sectioned, polished, and etched to verify the quality of the AC welds. A few days ago, to see if it could be done and to test the low end of the machine, I made a lap weld on a pair of 0.015" steel sheets, using an 0.040" tungsten and 0.035" MIG wire as the filler rod (this is on DC, obviously). It worked great!
One issue I've had, when working on light gauge aluminum, is when terminating a weld and throttling back on the pedal, when I get to low currents, the arc will stop and the machine's HF start will kick back in. If you hold the pedal position, you get a pop-pop-pop, as the machine tries to reestablish the arc, and the tungsten (1/16" 2% lanth, here) is immediately balled to over its full diameter. In trying to learn what I'm doing wrong, I came across this video from Everlast:
The first 3:30 of this video is very interesting to me, as I cannot get anywhere near this performance out of my machine.
The narrator states the following settings: Balance at 35%, 120 Hz, starting at 20 A, minimum start amps set to 5 A. (I find the last two settings contradictory, and confusing.) Also, listening to the video and comparing to a tone generator, the frequency was set at 230 Hz, not the stated 120 Hz. The cup looks like a #5 to me. At 1:41 he says "we are lowering the main amperage to 5 A, so the unit is forced to start and cover at 5 A." I take this to mean it was set with 5 A start, and 5 A welding.
There is no way I can get my 255 to start at 5 A, like in the video. If I just push the pedal far enough to get the initial click, and start the welder at minimum weld current, I'll get a pop-pop-pop, and the tungsten point is balled to over the full diameter (1/16" diameter, as in the video, but in my case 2% lanthinated). I assume the pops are the HF circuit getting an arc established, handing the arc off to the weld circuitry, at which point the arc goes out, and the HF start comes back in. I was initially doing this with the stock water cooled torch, to which I put on a gas lens collet holder and was using a #5 gas lens. I tried argon flow rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20 CFH. FYI - If I turn up the welding amps to 20 A, and smash the pedal, I'll get a single, clean start, every time.
Then, to better match the video, I put on my air cooled torch, with a #5 cup, and tried again, with the same results. Next, I tried adjusting the points gap (my machine must be an early one, without the solid state start circuit). As delivered, it was about 0.030". I tried 0.045", 0.055", 0.060" and 0.025", and then put it back to 0.030", as I could not detect any difference between settings. I cannot remember what my gas flow rate was for these tests. At this point, I gave up and put the water cooled torch back on.
For all my tests, I had about 1/4" of stick out, with a sharpened tungsten. I called tech support yesterday, and was told my problem was way too much stick out and that my gas flow was wrong. The recommended parameters were 3/32" stickout (!!) and 8 CFH of argon. I'm not quite sure how one welds with 3/32" of stickout, as it's awfully hard to see the arc, much less tip the torch and get in a filler rod. In the Everlast video, he clearly has more than 1/4" of stickout, maybe even close to 1/2".
So, after that long winded explanation as to what I've tried, what's going on? Am I doing some thing wrong, or does my machine have an issue at low current on AC?