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Thread: Everlast Argon regulator upgrade

  1. #1

    Default Everlast Argon regulator mod

    Hi all. Not sure if this belongs is this forum or not, but I will start here. I bought a 250EX at the end of last year, what a great machine. So much better than my old 225LX.

    Anyway, one thing that I have never liked was the water hose that comes with the welders for gas line. Using a standard hose is not really possible with the regulators that come with these machines. After looking for an adapter and not finding one, I made an adapter.

    Here is what I did:

    I started by removing the soft Everlast hose off the regulator fitting.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13019

    The second needed part is a standard CGA fitting, I forget what is was called but it is the standard gas hose to 1/4" pipe.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0284.jpg 
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ID:	13020

    I started by removing the pipe thread off the CGA fitting. Then I just enlarged the hole with a drill bit, I can't remember what size, but I opened it by about 0.04". It is important to leave as much wall thickness as possible on both the barb (see below) and the CGA fitting. I drilled the hole about 1/2" deep. If you drill the hole all the way through you will mess up the CGA sealing surface.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0285.jpg 
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ID:	13021

    This next shot should be of turning the barb down so it is nice and smooth, but I forgot to take a pic of that step. I turned it down to about .003" smaller than the bore in the CGA fitting so it was a nice slip fit. This left about 1/16" wall IIRC.

    The shot below is after machining both parts.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0286.jpg 
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Size:	96.9 KB 
ID:	13022

    This shot is after cutting the barb side down to about 5/8" to insert into the 1/2" deep hole.
    Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	99.4 KB 
ID:	13023

    Here it is all soldered up.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0291.jpg 
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Size:	81.8 KB 
ID:	13024

    And the money shot, an adapter from the metric regulator to CGA!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0293.jpg 
Views:	581 
Size:	74.8 KB 
ID:	13025

    I love the mod. What I probably love the most is that the huge gush of shielding gas when you first step on the pedal is almost gone. I am using a really nice Radnor hose now (Goodyear).
    Last edited by mcleod; 06-14-2015 at 06:04 AM.

  2. #2


    Nice job on the fitting, and welcome to the forum.
    Lincoln A/C 225
    Everlast P/A 200

  3. Default

    My new reg. from buying my MTS250S is sitting in a box on a shelf for this very reason. I have no clue why the industry standard fitting is not used but it is not worth my time to mess with it. So on the shelf it will stay. Fotunatly I had several extra regulators, most of which are 30 years old and still working perfectly. I am glad you were able to fix it up to be usable. Nice job.
    Miller 302 gas drive
    millermatic 200 mig
    miller spoolmatic 3 spool gun with 100ft ext.
    2014 Everlast PP60S plasma
    thermal arc 250 GTS inverter
    2016 Everlast 250EX
    miller tig cooler
    2015 Everlast MTS250S
    Miller 30A spool Gun
    Miller xtreme 12VS wire feeder
    Linde CM 85 shape cutter

  4. #4


    Thanks guys!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontario, Canada


    The regulator fitting is most likely an oxygen B Size fitting, at least my Chinese princess auto one is, It took me for ever to figure out what it was.

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