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Thread: Advice for a new Powertig 185 owner

  1. Default Advice for a new Powertig 185 owner

    Just looking for some advice on this unit such as what would be an upgrade as far as pedal and torch. Can I use aftermarket or other brand torches on this unit? What consumables should I purchase, Tungsten, cups etc.
    Also any advice you can give a new user would be appreciated.

  2. #2


    We offer the 22k SSC pedal now. Same price as the 47k pedal. That would be the upgrade option I'd go with on a pedal. As far as torches, we offer a wide range of torches and consumables, including products from CK worldwide to fit the unit. But any brand torch can fit this unit as long as you use the right DINSE connector which all of them make for their torches. We have kits available for consumables too.

  3. Default

    First tig rig here is a 325ext with a powercool 300. Running the premium everlast pedal, ck flexloc watercooled torch, and ck Pyrex lens with gas saver cups. Allows a longer stick out which has helped me a lot. 2% lanthanated tungsten.

  4. #4


    seat time, seat time, seat time,read everthing you can find on tig,watch videos(beware of BS vids)
    don't be afraid to twist the knobs max each way and note the results
    On AC the more cleaning the hotter the tungsten runs and the thicker it should be. Too hot/too small and tungsten balls and then melts and disappears up the cup.( AC inverters don't need balled tungsten to weld) Even on DC too small tungsten will melt. One can grind a long angular point on too large of tungsten to get a job done(thin material),but too small tungsten will melt when exceeding tungsten amp rating
    Each machine/welder/weld style likes a particular brand/color of tungsten. Opinions and results vary.
    There are no magic bullets. There is only one person that will see all your welds. That's you. When you can/will bet your life on your welds, your ready.
    If you can tap a foot,pat your head, and rub your belly at the same time, your ready to start.(still use it to warm up if I haven't welded for a week or two)(like a guitar player and a riff before playing a tune)
    Some over simplified instructions.
    Have fun!!!
    Come back with some progress pics and all machine settings,material etc when you have a question.
    Last edited by rick9345; 09-08-2015 at 12:52 AM. Reason: add to

  5. Default


    That PowerTIG 185 seems like it is a potent little welder. I dig the size, weight, and that it even has AC frequency adjustment, and all for a nice price.

    But regardless of which style of TIG torch cable is supplied with it, I'd upgrade immediately to a CK SafeLoc adapter, and CK Superflex 2-in-one hose/power cable. Then I'd get a TIG hose/cable cover that is nylon or leather, which will be much better than the standard vinyl ones.

    I mean, the 2-into-1 cable-adapter TIG torch assemblies Everlast supplies are better than one with the Argon hose and the power line as separate and two-stranded cable assemblies. But, even they don't allow for an upgrade to a more flexible hose, and so if you damage a hose the 2-into-1 connector is undoubtedly useless without some real crafty intervention. So, the CK SafeLoc keeps things upgradeable and potentially more flexible and lighter, too. These are subtle things, though. They're a bit costly, too.

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    And for a while, I'd just stick with that supplied 17 or 26 series torch itself, if it's got the arc initiator button integrated into it, i.e., not the ones that are zip-tied as an appendage. That way you can more easily use the torch as 2T or the Pedal as you wish by connecting either/or.

    Peace be with you,
    C. Livingstone
    Last edited by christian; 09-09-2015 at 12:02 AM.

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