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Thread: PP256s intermittent plasma cutter performance

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  1. Default PP256s intermittent plasma cutter performance

    In trying to cut thicker metals (1/2-3/4"), my torch goes on a few seconds and then off a few seconds, piling up surface dross and rarely fully penetrating at 62 amps on the readout. I've gone up to a much more powerful compressor with 12.5 CFM @ 90 psi and regulated down to 70 on the unit per instructions. I have pulse off, 2t on, etc.

    It keeps burning up the ceramic cap, nozzle and electrodes, even when using the wire standoff.

    Is there something I am missing? What causes the torch to stop and start continuously?

    It has the Traffamet S75 torch
    Last edited by John71a; 08-31-2015 at 02:29 AM.

  2. Default

    What do you have on the line for moisture control? Unless you have a refrigerated dryer, you will want to put a desiccant dryer in the line somewhere. Doesn't have to cost a million either.

    The EverLast boys should be along shortly to provide real help. lol

  3. Default

    I have a desiccant drier. The beads still look dark, but maybe I should bake them again. Would moisture cause this problem?

  4. #4


    You are not getting a good work clamp connection. Sounds like you are cutting with only the pilot arc. Also make sure the torch is in the negative and that you have your swirl ring in place properly. Also have you downloaded your manual form online?

  5. Default

    Thx. Yes, I've printed the online manual. It only has a brief section on the plasma function. I've used the unit a lot for TIG welding. There is a loose screw on the ground clamp. But it's held tightly the spring. Re the swirl ring, must it be right side up? I could not find a good picture of its proper orientation. Looks the same to me either side up.

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