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Thread: Hack Mechanic anxiously awaiting first EverLast machine!

  1. Default Hack Mechanic anxiously awaiting first EverLast machine!

    Hello everybody! Just been lurking around these forums a bit while researching TIG machines for maintenance use in a medium-sized industrial facility. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of a PowerTIG 325EXT (480V). This should be interesting as we get to run it next to some old transformer units, (Miller Synchrowave 300, and a Hobart CyberWave 300) and a relatively new Dynasty 200.

    I'm not a pro welder by any means but I get things to stick together sometimes! I do pretty well with build-ups and filling in mis-machined holes and what-not too. I'd like to get a TIG machine for messing around at home too. Heck, I'd like a better MIG than the MillerMatic 140 I have on semi-permanent loan. I really like the specs on the new PowerMTS 251Si. I'd probably own one if it did AC TIG too. But I think I'd be more interested in something with the same specs in a digital MIG-only rig and do one of the digital AC/DC TIG machines as a companion.
    Last edited by MasterMech; 08-31-2015 at 01:58 AM. Reason: Had more to say!

  2. #2


    for home use the 140e is a great little 110 would be surprisewd what this little machine can do....and if you want to get into aluminum tig the 250 ex is a very nice machine have had 1 for almost 6 years now and done alot of welding with it.
    250 ex
    205 mig
    milwaukee grinder
    140e mig

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