Ive looked for the correct 7 pin connector for a while, and finally just gave up. Surly this stupid little plug cant be that hard to find.
Someone from Everlast needs to get a hold of the supplier of their pedals and/or torches, and get a case of plugs from them to sell to us. Sure would make a lot of Everlast customers happy.
Millermatic 251
Spectrum 300 Plasma
Everlast PowerTig 250EX
Everlast PowerCool W300
Harris / Victor OA
Craftsman 13 Speed Drill Press
ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.