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Thread: problem with PT 210 EXT digital display dose not trun on.

  1. Unhappy problem with PT 210 EXT digital display dose not trun on.

    PowerTig 210EXT
    Problem :
    Upon arrival machine was setup to test workability everything
    looked good no visible damage. Then once I ran my first test I noticed the
    machine was not putting out enough amprage to create a weld puddle so I
    decided to switch out my tungsten rod while doing so, I noticed that the
    digital display was no longer working nor any of the other controls (foot
    pedal, finger switch, ect.) so I read the manual and did what was advised.
    I checked the connections, I plugged the welding machine to an independent
    plug when I turned the machine on it sounds as if the machine is running
    the fans are running at full blast I've also noticed that if the torch
    makes contact with the ground clamp or contact with anything grounded to
    the clamp it will produce a small spark as if there is a short circuit I
    cannot tell though I've looked in the forms to see if this is a problem
    that anyone else has experienced ,but couldn't find any type of
    information on this kind of issue so please if could help me resolve this
    problem I would greatly appreciate it I will be forthcoming that this
    welding machine will not fall under warranty ( I bought as is). I am more
    than capable of doing the technical work myself I just need a little
    guidance. I was told that maybe the main control board can be reprogrammed
    if that is the issue. {If that is the issue what type of connections would
    I need? And what software I would need to flash the ROM }

  2. #2


    Well, first you need to identify which model of the 210 you have. Does it have one knob or two on the panel. No, the unit cannot be reprogrammed by the customer. At best, you need to reseat all the connectors internally. At worst, you will need to buy the boards and replace them all. The fan/fans always run on this that is not a problem. Look elsewhere.

    Why did you buy a machine "as is"? From whom and Where did you buy it?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Well, first you need to identify which model of the 210 you have. Does it have one knob or two on the panel. No, the unit cannot be reprogrammed by the customer. At best, you need to reseat all the connectors internally. At worst, you will need to buy the boards and replace them all. The fan/fans always run on this that is not a problem. Look elsewhere.

    Why did you buy a machine "as is"? From whom and Where did you buy it?
    well the model # POWERTIG210EXT ( i believe it is a 2015, came with two tig torches and the digital display only has one knob).
    i was really hoping that i would be able to fix the problem in the most economical way. the reason i purchased the PT210ext, was to help me get started with my business custom exhaust fabrication. and i don't have much to start my business so i was looking for welding machine in my local area on Craigslist and seen a post. spoke to the guy and purchased the PT210EXT. the said the machine was practically new. only used a two times. give him $750. AS IS so i took my chances.
    so when i get home i set up the machine and start to lay down a beed i noticed the PT210ext was not getting a good ground and that my tungsten was not right so i switched out my tungsten well when doing that processes i looked back to the pt210ext and noticed the display was off but the fans stills running. so i switch on/off to see if that would work but the digital display would not turn on any more. so i was a bit heart broken because not i feel i got a lemon. so now my only choice is to try to fix in the most economical way where it wont cost me as much. my financial situation has me on a tight budget so i am look for some kind of fix i can possibly do. i am fairly knowledgeable in technical system and have some knowledge in programming and flashing ROM board. and i am very capable of do the fix i just need a little guidance. if it is possible, if not what would i need to do to get this welding machine running again....

  4. #4


    The single knob is easier to deal with. You need to contact tech support. You can order boards. But again, I'd open the unit up by taking the rear panel and metal cover off. Leave the front alone. Then unplug and reconnect the connectors. Also check your input power. Make sure your plug receptacle is properly wired and that you have a good breaker.

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