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Thread: Tech Advise Needed

  1. #1

    Default Tech Advise Needed

    I need to know about this 220 VAC on the back of my 250ex. When I had my machine open I noticed only 2 wires go to the plug, white and black. I am thinking I need to run my water coolers fan motor from this. Do I treat this as any other 2 prong outlet? Where do I ground?

    So this brings me to my torch. How important is flow direction? I have a small pump, and I noticed that when I raise my torch to about 7 feet it stops flowing. Now nothing bad about the torch, but its lead is really short. I want to run a long lead. What kind of flow should I be looking for and how does that translate to PSI?

    As I said I want long leads... My welding supplier does not readily have the tubing, just extensions. What products are available? I'm looking for about 25 feet. So I need specifics on my Gas, Water In, Water Out, and Power.

    All help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2



    Are you using our cooler? It sounds as if you aren't. The pressures should run around 50 psi, about 2-3 gpm, plenty to carry the water around.

    The way our coolers are wired, just hook it up normally as a two wire plug.

    You can buy a longer water cooled torch from your lws, if you need. That would solve the problem of the extensions, but they do make fittings that can be added to if your lws will look them up.

    Your water in is the smaller braided hose. Your water out is is the main cable itself. Of course, the Argon is the remaining one.

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