1/16" aluminum is not ideal for learning. Get some scrap 1/8" and practice on that, then once you can produce good welds, move to the 1/16".
Do you have any TIG experience at all? If not you should start with steel.
2% lanth. is a good all purpose tungsten for steel or aluminum.
General settings for aluminum would be 120 Hz @ 30% EP. Use a foot pedal for amperage control and no pulse. on 1/16" I would use a 1/16" tungsten and about a #6 cup. For 1/8" use a 3/32" tungsten and a #7 or #8 cup.
Aluminum magnifies any problems in your technique. But once you get good with it, it will also make you a better welder on steel and stainless for those same reasons. Also there are three C's for aluminum. Clean, clean & clean! Aluminum will always have an oxide layer, but the more you can minimize that, the better it will weld.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!