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Thread: S45 Machine Torch Holders- CNC made by an Everlast customer. For sale.

  1. Default S45 Machine Torch Holders- CNC made by an Everlast customer. For sale.

    Hi everyone, I bought a PP50 in 2013 and got the bug for CNC plasma really bad. The PP50 has run wonderfully and is a GREAT item.

    But- I needed a machine torch! I finally took some time to make a precision CNC S45 torch holder for the unit they sell here. I have the CandCNC setup + precisionplasmaLLC table. I can put holes about where ever you might need them.

    I bought enough Aluminum to build say 2 maybe 3 more. (in case I trashed a few along the way).
    Would anyone be interested? I can accommodate changes for mounts and torch sizes as needed also.
    Willing to make several in a run for $180 per unit. We can/could accommodate most minor requests for your setups.

    Thanks, Jeff and Mitch. EMAIL US: jeffjarnot at g mail . com (some re-assy required for my personal email)

    NOTE- I Cannot seem to get any pics or attachments to stick. Will retry and ask Ray about it ASAP.

    Name:  s45Print.jpg
Views: 1530
Size:  157 Bytes
    Name:  s45Print.jpg
Views: 1530
Size:  157 Bytes
    Last edited by countryguy; 12-06-2015 at 12:13 AM. Reason: photos!

  2. Default

    Not sure what the post did w/ the 4 pics I took? I cannot even open and it Will not let me edit now? email me for some actual photos if I do not get these up correctly. Sorry for the hassle.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. Default

    Someday they will get around to fixing the forum so pics will take.
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  4. Default

    Uncle- I give up trying for pics. You Need to be signed up on that sight to see pics too. email me if ya want. I think I'll build a few anyway.... Practice. LOL.

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