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Thread: foot pedal hook up on 205 and collet body threads

  1. #1

    Default foot pedal hook up on 205 and collet body threads

    2 questions today.
    Want to check that I am not missing anything for hooking up my new unit. I may have missed something but I do not see a clear discription for this step in the manual. What is got me a bit confused is if I connect the 7 pin connector from the foot pedal to the PM 205 then the 7 pin connector from the torch does not have any where to go. Is this how it should be?
    Also my collet body only went in 1 complete turn before meeting resistance....had to finish off with a wrench. Did not feel good about this. Wondering if any others had any thread problems with seating the collet body into the tig torch?....thanks Wayne

  2. #2



    You do not use both torch switch and foot pedal at the same time. There is only need for one connection. Its either or, not both. Just as with any other company's machine, you must change when using something else.

    Not had any problems with collet body threads. Did you take it out before forcing it in? If there was a burr on the collet body or something in the threads of the torch, you could have stripped out your torch head for future use. A collet body is available cheap at the lws for maybe 3 or 4 bucks. I probably would have gotten another collet body before I forced it into the torch.

  3. #3

    Default thanks mark

    Thanks Mark. I will call you on Monday but I see its a stat holiday there in the States. I will explain over the phone when I speak to you what steps I took to ensure I did not cross thread the collet body and why I gave it the wrench treatment. Sorry I did not talk to you first but as it was Sat there was no answer with the direct line.
    I am sure there will be more questions in the future that may sound dumb, I will have to excuse myself in advance. I am sure everything in the manual is all that is needed and makes perfect sense to a welder but I have never operated an electric welder before and just trying to switch over from a self taught Oxe/Ace background to learning this new unit and trying to teach myself to weld with at the same time. Lots of help on the net and yourselves so I should get through this time with some patience. ......thanks again Wayne

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