Hello welding people,
I had just picked up my new everlast 185 dv, took it home and was welding like horrible dog crap in no time. My tungsten was all bad, welds grey and porous. Im a rather new welder so anything was possible. I was pretty sure i had bad argon but how could you be so sure as a newby. Read every forum available asking every question about dipping tungsen and a hole in the gas line and tested every component i could for leaks. I finally got the chance to test the machine with a different tank of Argon at Molten Metal Works in Los Angeles and it worked fine, so I knew it was a bad tank of gas. I went back to the gas supply ASAP and they replaced my 80 cf tank and refilled it. So home I went, and once home, ... still the same ugly porous, gray tungsten contaminating welds. I went insane, took the machine back to class, tested for longer period against the old tank and confirmed again i had gotten bad argon. I finally went back to the welding supply store and was exchanged a larger tank that was pre filled at a filling plant. Got home, plugged it in, and finally, nice shiny fusion on 16 gage. Finally I was able to play with my green toy at home!
So far, Id say it welds very nice, similar to the miller at the school ive been learning at. Aluminum freq and balance are good to have, though its definitely a challenge to dial in the settings with no indication of the settings.
I do have two issues though. 1. When I press the footpedal (I got the 22k pedal from everlast) there is a large blast or whoosh from the gas bursting out at the beginning of the weld. If I hold the torch away from the piece and let some flow out, the arc starts much smoother. So far Ive read that replacing the gas hose can fix this. but have not yet gotten a new hose. The hose that comes with the welder does not seem to be of very good quality.
2. And more concerning is that there is a high pitch sound seemingly coming from the machine as I weld. The noise is not always there and comes on randomly. It changes volume with the amperege change, controlled at the footpedal. It is very loud and annoying, but random. I need to fix this or I will need to return it.
Any advice?
1/16 ew3 tungsten, 7 cup, 15-20 cfh, stock everlast accessories