Be aware that the current PP80 comes with a hand torch. You might want to call sales and see if they can quote you on a package with a machine torch. AFAIK, the PP60C is the only machine that comes with a machine torch, at the moment. Plenty of people adapt hand torches for short runs, but you will run into overheating if you push the duty cycle on them like CNC operation can. Going up a size or two can help. Also have a look at what consumables sizes are available for whatever torch you choose. Some have tips and electrodes in every size you could want for everything from light sheet metal to heavy plate, while others only offer basic general purpose parts that do ok on everything but don't really excel and the very thin and very thick. Another factor is the speed and acceleration of your drives. No point in sizing a plasma that cuts at 200IPM when your drives can only do 100IPM or take an inch to come up to full speed. What thickness do you plan to work with the most? Are you running steppers or servos and at what speeds? Quite a difference between a PP80 and an HT45.
The one thing you will have an issue with is the torch height control. Not as many plug and play options as there are for the HT45. You may have to do some fooling around to get that configured, and without much support. Everlast will give you all the pinout information, but many THC makers won't give you the time of day if you are not running their favorite machine. CNCZONE is a great resource for the ins and outs of interfacing different equipment.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!