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Thread: 80 on CNC table

  1. Default 80 on CNC table

    Hello everyone, I've got a question and I feel like this may be one of the best places to ask it. I am heavily considering an 80amp for my CNC plasma, it seems like it is a great torch. My only concern is there isnt a lot of info with people running them CNC, if there is, I've missed it somewhere.
    Does anyone have any videos of an 80 running on a CNC? Does anyone have any pics of projects they have done? I intend on mostly making jeep parts, and some art items.
    Really I'm looking for a reason to buy this machine, vs the HT45.
    Please give me some insight, and pictures would also be great.

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Be aware that the current PP80 comes with a hand torch. You might want to call sales and see if they can quote you on a package with a machine torch. AFAIK, the PP60C is the only machine that comes with a machine torch, at the moment. Plenty of people adapt hand torches for short runs, but you will run into overheating if you push the duty cycle on them like CNC operation can. Going up a size or two can help. Also have a look at what consumables sizes are available for whatever torch you choose. Some have tips and electrodes in every size you could want for everything from light sheet metal to heavy plate, while others only offer basic general purpose parts that do ok on everything but don't really excel and the very thin and very thick. Another factor is the speed and acceleration of your drives. No point in sizing a plasma that cuts at 200IPM when your drives can only do 100IPM or take an inch to come up to full speed. What thickness do you plan to work with the most? Are you running steppers or servos and at what speeds? Quite a difference between a PP80 and an HT45.
    The one thing you will have an issue with is the torch height control. Not as many plug and play options as there are for the HT45. You may have to do some fooling around to get that configured, and without much support. Everlast will give you all the pinout information, but many THC makers won't give you the time of day if you are not running their favorite machine. CNCZONE is a great resource for the ins and outs of interfacing different equipment.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. Default

    Thanks! I already called a Rep - Strangely I found him on craigslist, He told me the 60C has been discontinued for lack of sales. They have a machine torch available for the 80S at about 500$, Maybe I can get a good package deal from someone online or on this board. I figured with the small cost difference between the 60 and the 80 units it would be silly to buy the 60.
    This raises another question, What other torches will work on this machine? I don't want to create any other issues but like your idea of different sized consumables.

    I will mostly be running material that is 1/4" thick, but will have occasional small projects that will require 1/2" material. So having the extra power for that makes sense. The table currently runs out a 500ipm without issue.

    The torch height control is still up in the air, I haven't picked one as of yet.

    I appreciate your input.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    You can use any torch that is a blowback design and can handle 80 amps at a duty cycle of 60% or better. There are adapters if you run into a cable connection mismatch. Since you don't have your THC, you can make inquires before you decide on one. Another option is to build your own. Check out Emptynester's thread on his build of an Arduino based THC for his Everlast unit. With 1/2" material you will really appreciate having 80 amps on tap.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. Default

    Thanks - I called the Sales number on Everlast's Website last night and was told I can get the 80 with a Machine Torch for 1500 Delivered. I'm almost certain that's the route Ill go.

    I do have a couple Arduino boards laying around..

  6. Default

    Well - I've been trying to get ahold of someone all morning at Everlast to place my order, I suppose I give them a couple more hours and my business goes elsewhere. I hate it when I make the decision to buy something and there is nobody there to answer the phone.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RibbedGiraff View Post
    Well - I've been trying to get ahold of someone all morning at Everlast to place my order, I suppose I give them a couple more hours and my business goes elsewhere. I hate it when I make the decision to buy something and there is nobody there to answer the phone.
    3 hours with no call back from the sales dept.. I ordered the HT

    Thanks for the help guys - maybe when I need more power ill order an Everlast.

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