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Thread: Rear panel mounted 110 Volt outlet

  1. #1

    Default Rear panel mounted 110 Volt outlet

    Just received my new Powerpro 164 and noticed that it has a rear mounted female 110Volt outlet. My first thought is this is designed to bypass the need for the 220V to 110 Volt conversion plus supplied with the unit; however, it also looks as if the plug needs a very specific cable to fit it.

    Can anyone tell me what this plug is for. It's not shown anywhere on any of the instructions that either come with it or up on the Everlast website ?

    Many thanks for any responses

    Bob Campbell

  2. Default


    I believe that's a direct plug-in for a TIG torch water cooler, which would start up with the welder. It may be a new feature on that model, otherwise it's found on many Everlast units, I believe.

  3. #3


    Thank you for your helpful response. That makes perfect sense. Strange how it's not in the Powerpro 164 manual; must be in the manual for the watercooler

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by rh.campbell View Post
    Just received my new Powerpro 164 and noticed that it has a rear mounted female 110Volt outlet. My first thought is this is designed to bypass the need for the 220V to 110 Volt conversion plus supplied with the unit; however, it also looks as if the plug needs a very specific cable to fit it.

    Can anyone tell me what this plug is for. It's not shown anywhere on any of the instructions that either come with it or up on the Everlast website ?

    Many thanks for any responses

    Bob Campbell
    I believe that plug is 220v but they might have changed the new ones to 110v. I would use a voltage test on it before plugging any thing in to it.
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  5. #5


    If your unit has a plug it should say 110/220. It is designed ONLY for the water cooler. Do not use it for anything else.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by TheGary View Post
    I believe that plug is 220v but they might have changed the new ones to 110v. I would use a voltage test on it before plugging any thing in to it.
    Yes, it's quite clearly marked on the case as 110 Volts. I guess it must be used for connection of some sort of a water cooler as someone else has suggested

  7. #7
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by rh.campbell View Post
    Yes, it's quite clearly marked on the case as 110 Volts. I guess it must be used for connection of some sort of a water cooler as someone else has suggested
    Yes the IEC connector is for the cooler, but since you have a dual voltage welder, I would measure it running on 120V as well as 240V as it may just pass along whatever line voltage you are running at. Everlast makes a dual voltage cooler that can deal with that, too.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

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