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Thread: Anybody use Blue Demon?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan

    Default Anybody use Blue Demon?

    Ok I wanted to get a few different mig wires to see what works best on galvanized so I got blue demon er70s-2, blue demon silicon bronze, blow demon e71t-gs, Lincoln er70s-3, and er70s-6. Just wondering how you guys like blue demon? I read good reviews in it that's why I purchased plus little easier to get on eBay than Lincoln stuff.

  2. #2


    Any wire works fine when you grind the zinc off the weld area and spray it with cold galvanizing after you weld. I'm sure you know to not breath the smoke from galvanizing.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan


    Yeah I usually have a big fan blowing it out since it's flux core I can have good airflow. I was using Lincoln ER70S-6 with 80/20 Argon/CO2 and holy #### the spatter I was getting. I know it's mostly the galvanizing causing the spatter but I'm going to try some different wires anyways. Plus holy #### does this Lincoln wire grind hard, it's taking me longer to grind all the seams out smooth than it is to do the whole project. Hoping the silicon bronze wire works out, I heard it grinds real nice. It's just a powder coating oven so really just filling in the seams for the sheet metal.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by pavetim View Post
    Yeah I usually have a big fan blowing it out since it's flux core I can have good airflow. I was using Lincoln ER70S-6 with 80/20 Argon/CO2 and holy #### the spatter I was getting. I know it's mostly the galvanizing causing the spatter but I'm going to try some different wires anyways. Plus holy #### does this Lincoln wire grind hard, it's taking me longer to grind all the seams out smooth than it is to do the whole project. Hoping the silicon bronze wire works out, I heard it grinds real nice. It's just a powder coating oven so really just filling in the seams for the sheet metal.
    Try holding a tighter arc (shorter stickout). With flux core you can take the nozzle off to see better. Did you switch polarity for flux core ?
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan


    Yes I switched the polarity

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