Well...The Green Goblin is un-boxed an hooked up....Didn't have my gas yet so I gota 2 2lb spools...1FC (0.030)..1L56(0.023).....Ran the FC that night,(no pics)....Whata sweet little machine....Took it to work the next day n gassed it up.....ran the .030 thru it....EVERYBODY had to play with it...And EVERYBODY said the same thing pretty much....Wish our machines ran that nice....I weld for a living...We run Blue 252's & 211's....I ask a question the other day about 60105P++++ capabilitiy...No one answered....Well..I got my answer today.....LIKE A BEAST....And I'll tell ya....It dont get any better than this...Bought a little 160 STH couple years ago to learn tig pipe..It didnt like 6010's..6011's were a little better...but not to the point of getting quality practice...SOOO...had to buy a lincoln 275s that was almost brand new.....Red burnt rods great..But the 160 had a much sweeter tig arc....IF A GUY IS JUST STARTING OUT..AND WANTS A MACHINE THAT WILL DO BOTH...Do yourself a BIG favor...Dont think your short changing yourself not spending 2/3 times as much on a red or blue machine....The 200 Dual is your machine.....This thing kicks ###.....Now....Time for a spool gun...LMAO.......Take a look n see for your self...Is it Chinese junk.....HARDLEY.....Got pics but file size is to big...Anyone know how to get around this issue?????