Welding a frame for a Segway clone project fabricated of 'H' aluminum 1/4" thick and it got pretty darned hot. I noticed a black blotch of something on the frame where I had been welding and behold, I had melted a wedge out of the torch handle....Now I would have thought that it would be made from something a bit more 'tig torch' appropriate like a high temperature plastic maybe.

Anyhow; this 255EXT is one good welder. I was a bit apprehensive about it at first but cranked the amperage up to 200 to weld this 1/4" aluminum with frequency set at 175Hz and 30% EP. I'm amazed!! I used to weld years ago with a Lincoln 300/300 on aluminum but this 'little' Everlast being cutting edge technology does just as well if not better with all the features it has...

That's really why I posted - to give a big thumbs up to this new 255EXT welder and how well it does on aluminum. If it welds this well on aluminum, you could probably find settings on it to weld dog turds together! A melted spot on the torch handle is just a beauty mark - personality!

Thanks Everlast! You have proven yourselves to us for sure.

Bill C.