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Thread: Owners Manual for MTS 211si

  1. Default Owners Manual for MTS 211si

    Will there ever be a comprehensive, professional and thorough owners manual for the MTS 211si? Have had mine now for over 6 months with a promise when I bought it that a manual would be available "soon".

  2. Default

    I've been asking for a long while now... Not sure one's ever coming.

  3. #3


    No. One is coming soon. I am working on it now. However I have had to travel out of town this week. My father in law passed a couple mon ths ago and have been back and forth several times recently as he left my morher in law in somewhat of a mess. Trying to liquidate some of his estate this weekend here in lower AL. Look for it in a few days though. I will announce it.

    But if you have any questions about operation let me know. Or post them here.

  4. #4


    I can sympathize with your situation, Mark. Been thru it a couple times for several members of my family. Keep us posted when you have time. I too have been waiting for this manual but have "muddled thru" and figured out some of the settings on my own by practicing on scrap, but a manual is the key to getting the most out of the unit.

  5. Default Owners manual for MTS 211Si

    Any updates on when we will see this manual?

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    No. One is coming soon. I am working on it now. However I have had to travel out of town this week. My father in law passed a couple mon ths ago and have been back and forth several times recently as he left my morher in law in somewhat of a mess. Trying to liquidate some of his estate this weekend here in lower AL. Look for it in a few days though. I will announce it.

    But if you have any questions about operation let me know. Or post them here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoScott View Post
    Any updates on when we will see this manual?

    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. #7


    Hope fades quickly, not sure this unit will have a manual posted anytime soon. I'd like to sell mine but the buyer wants a real manual.

  8. Default

    I agree Pap40. Was considering upgrading to the new more sophisticated multi process unit when available, but can't get a manual for one that is a year old. So I am going to stay with what I have, the 211si. This is the side of Everlast that just makes no sense to me. My first MIG welder, a 95 amp Italian made Forney that I bought refurbished for $100 has a more comprehensive manual than what came with the 211si. Companies fail for lack of product support. I hope Everlast is not one of them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    San Diego, CA & Minneapolis, MN


    I was waiting for a manual for the MTS 251Si for a long time and it finally came out. Have some more patience and it'll show up. The MTS 251Si manual that just came out is 72 pages long and very informative. I'm guessing the MTS 211Si will be about the same.

  10. #10


    Yes. In a day or so. Delete the info on the pulse sections and you will have most of the manual for the 211si.
    We have one manual writer in the company, and that is me. It takes a while along with all the other things they ask me to do to get one out...and unfortunately, we have the units going out before I get one to write the manual on.

  11. Default

    Kind of hoping for a Christmas or New Years miracle but it looks like that isn't going to happen. Maybe on my units first birthday in a few weeks???

  12. #12


    It's been posted on our manuals section for a few days now.

  13. Default

    Thanks for getting it done.

  14. #14


    I appreciate the sentiment. It's a thankless job pretty much, so that means a lot. Let me know if you see any errors that I didn't catch or typos. I am open to suggestions.

  15. Default

    The only thing I see is on page 9. My unit does not have the Spot and Stitch Timer. Was this added later or is that a mistake? If it was added later can those features be added to a unit that does not have them? I hope, I hope!!!!! But I think I know what your answer will be.

  16. #16


    No. It can't be added...but I will remove it. Thanks for the catch. Some of the information I have to use gets recycled a little, and though there are differences, it isn't worth rewriting the same info a different way a dozen different times for each manual.

  17. #17


    I'm in love with my 211Si again! I can finally figure out all of its features. Its been a while since I checked and was pleasantly surprised to see the manual listed. This is really great, I for one appreciate the effort involved. Thanks for your work on this, Mark.

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