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Well I took my parts to a buddy that has been welding(all different kinds) for 20 years I think he said. He is a maintenance man so he don't weld all the time but he is good. I watched him and learned a lot. He was using a miller 160 I think. A basic machine but good in his hands. He did say that one of the pieces had impurities in it and it was a hard weld to do. I got back home and ordered some parts for my torch. I kinda burned some stuff up. I will practice and I will get good at this. My biggest problem is that I do get frustrated real easy. So thanks for the input guys
See if your buddy can watch what you're doing and give you some pointers. It's so much better when you can have someone look over your shoulder and coach you. You will pick up the basics so much faster. Then it's all about practice.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!