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Thread: 200dv low ampegare dc tig welding issue

  1. Default 200dv low ampegare dc tig welding issue

    I just trying to figure out if anyone else out there is have the same issue as me or I'm asking for too much out of my everlast 200dv. My issue is that when I weld low amperage 35amps and lower(thin gauge 304 stainless) I'll set the main amperage to 35amp and when I start to weld and ez off the pedal I dont see any change at tungsten.Its like I'm welding with a switch, on and off. I can ez off the pedal to right before the arc cuts out and its like I have the pedal floored. Now when I look over at the display, the display will read as low as 7-8 amps but its welding like 30-35 amps at the torch.I cant keep an idle arc, as soon as it lights up, I can back off the pedal to 7amps on the display and the base material is puddling/molten. Basically I dont have much control of the heat input. I use the upgraded ssc foot pedal and also tried the everlast pedal that came with the machine and same thing.I bought machine knowing the 5 amp dc tig minimum amperage but something is definitely wrong. Same workpiece had friend bring over his miller maxstar 200sd and was night and day difference. I can heatsoke the work piece red hot and still back off the pedal to stop the puddle. No other issues with machine right now. Turn up the amperage and weld thicker gauge material ac/dc no issue. Any help or feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. Default


    You've got another SSC pedal, so maybe it's not a pedal problem.

    Check your 2T, 4T, or Pedal selector.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Since the display goes down to 7-8 amps, the pedal is getting the correct signal to the machine, but the machine is not responding properly.

    What happens if you use the torch switch with the panel set to something like 10 amps? Do you get 10 or the same 30-35ish?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    You've got another SSC pedal, so maybe it's not a pedal problem.

    Check your 2T, 4T, or Pedal selector.
    It's the same with both pedals

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Since the display goes down to 7-8 amps, the pedal is getting the correct signal to the machine, but the machine is not responding properly.

    What happens if you use the torch switch with the panel set to something like 10 amps? Do you get 10 or the same 30-35ish?
    Ya it seems like pedal is doing its job, I will try setting to 10 amps and use the torch switch. I'll let u know what happens, thanks for the help

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