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Thread: Owners Manual for PowerMTS 251Si

  1. Default Owners Manual for PowerMTS 251Si

    Been waiting a year now for a manual for the PowerMTS 251Si. Everlast are you planning on supply owners with a manual for this machine? Guess I should have stayed with big blue, sure love my everlast TIG that came with a manual so I figured I would give one of their MTS units a try but over waiting over a year for a manual is a bit of a disappointment. If any other users have been able to locate a manual for the 251SI from another country please post the URL.


  2. #2


    Yes we are working on it. But we haven't had the machines out that long. What information do you need? Be specific, and I can supply you the information until you receive a new manual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    San Diego, CA & Minneapolis, MN


    I'm also waiting for a manual that explains everything. Yes, it's complex that's why we need a good manual. I sent you an email and you sent this reply.

    I am still working on the manual. This is one of our most complex welders for setup and use, and am trying to learn all the nuances of the unit so I can include any practical hints and shortcuts to setup and operation I can before it is published. But it will be within a few days, not weeks provided nothing major crops up. The MTS guns work the same with this unit. Any gun that fits the MTS series will work on this unit. You can contact me direct however, if you have any questions or doubts about this. Just call my cell anytime at 229 457 2598. Thanks for your patience. The consumables for both the MIG and TIG should be up on the site. The consumables aren't tied to the unit, but to the gun/torch series or type.
    That was dated 9-28. I won't be back in front of my machine in California until mid November. Do you think the manual will be don by then? I hope so! I'm really wanting to learn this machine well (as well as an old retired guy can, that is!!). Let's hope it's sooner than later. Thanks.

  4. #4


    Well, things have cropped up. Still working on it, but there are other manuals that I am working on at the same time too. I'm waiting on some factory verification of some data.

    Overall the machines are fairly intuitive. But if you are looking for a detailed chart for setup, it won't be in there. I will give theory and details in general about setup, but final adjustments are up to the customer.

    There are many parts to a manual. Drawing, writing, testing, using the machine etc. That kind of detail doesn't jump onto the page. It may take a whole day to complete one page or one drawing, depending upon how detailed it is. We used to use pictures, but they don't show up as good, and can't provide the kind of emphasis and detail we try to convey.

  5. Default

    I have this machine and run the heck out of it.. Happy to offer my opinions if it will help point you in the right direction..

    I hate typing so please call me at six o two 295 nine nine 6 4 during normal work hours and I will be happy to answer any questions I can.

    Have done several videos about this machine also..

    Here is the first one..

    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  6. Default

    Thanks Kevin, I have watched your videos but I am looking for more information on the aluminum aspect of the welder. I am attempting to build a boat with it and need more info on aluminum settings with the everlast spoolgun. Use a 350P miller at work but have a everlast at home and would like to get more info on the aluminum and spool gun use. Would help to have a manual to figure all the settings out. Its a nice welder with a lot of options just like my everlast tig which came with a great manual to explain all the available settings to get the most out of the machine.

    Do you have a video directly geared toward aluminum with the evelast spool guns and the 251si? If so can you provide the url?


  7. Default

    Thanks for update Mark, I got my 251SI from you guys November 1st of 2015, I hope that the manual comes out soon. Really looking forward to learning all the setting for aluminum spool gun applications.


  8. #8


    I am not sure what you are looking for in a manual. But we do not include schematics for the unit (reference based on other post), nor do we include include setting data for several reasons. First, setting data is always something that people complain about...too hot...too cold etc. This is an issue with every manufacturer. Second, we have an inverter machine, with the addition of arc force setting/inductance. This changes the way the unit welds. Adjusting this can influence how accurate your two other settings are. And thsi is an issue of personal taste, just as where the fine tunings are set. We do include good information on what the controls are and basics of how to set them. The synergic setting provides a good ratio that can be used to set the spool gun volt/amp spacing. That is actually better than a chart, but some people complain still that it isn't close enough, and others say it works well. There are also plenty of online calculators that you can use as well to set your unit, if you ignore the inductance settings.

    I hope this is not disappointing for you, but there is only so much information we can provide you. This is an advanced machine, and it takes advanced knowledge to use it correctly once the features are explained. That kind of knowledge can't be "taught" in a manual. It is not a welding primer or a substitute for formal training. But if you need a welding primer, I have a couple that are quite good that can be bought online.

  9. Default

    Mark, I have been teaching aluminum welding for 20 years and built many boats with high school kids. I know a little about welding just want a manual with a welder I purchase, perhaps thats too much to ask. A good manual is all the "primer" I am asking for. From what I see on the internet searches I am not the only user looking for a manual for the 251SI. I hope one will be out soon. Thanks for the info.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. Default

    Just got a spool gun for mine.. (like a few days ago).

    Have a big aluminum job coming up and will do a few videos about the spool gun..

    Please check my website or my youtube channel for updates.

    Or sign up for my newsletter and you will get updates on every new video.

    I post new videos every Wednesday.
    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

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