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Thread: i-TIG 201 power switch problems

  1. Smile i-TIG 201 power switch problems

    I've had my i-TIG 201 I purchased from Everlast about two weeks now. After using it a few days (probably less than 4 hours welding time at 18 - 25 amps), the switch on back of the unit would not turn it off. I've only used this unit in the 220 volt mode (no use in the 120 volt mode). So I have been turning the unit on and off by plugging and unplugging the wall plug. It turns out that the on/off "switch" is actually a circuit breaker. I received a new switch/circuit breaker from Everlast a couple days ago (under warranty). After I installed it, it worked fine - for about 6 on/off cycles. Same problem as before - cannot turn unit off with switch, so have to use the wall plug. I don't see any sense in installing another switch/circuit breaker of the same brand and model. I'm wondering if Everlast has other i-TIG 201 customers having this trouble and if they are working on a solution. I'm also thinking of retrofitting another circuit breaker of better quality. It looks like just a typical 30 amp circuit breaker. I will say, though, apart from the switch - I am (so far) very happy with my new i-TIG 201.
    Last edited by BillN; 10-27-2016 at 04:28 PM. Reason: added (so far)

  2. Default


    This is the 2-pole switch on the back of my 210EXT, which seems to be a very common one on Everlast units, and it's great, even though I added an inexpensive 2-pole (50 amp each) switch to the front panel and just leave the factory one in the ON position, for convenience, as my cart is kind of tall and has two bottles kind of cluttering at the back.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	210.jpg 
Views:	397 
Size:	40.7 KB 
ID:	13510Click image for larger version. 

Name:	50 amp.jpg 
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ID:	13511

    But the 201 iTIG does seem to have a comparitively wimpy switch at the back, even though I'm very unlearnered with electronic specs or theory, although I had a similarly light looking 220/110 switch at the back od a DC-only Tig, Stick, Combo unit that was fine, and which also I relocated to the front panel as well.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	201.jpg 
Views:	386 
Size:	36.5 KB 
ID:	13512

    So, yeah, I think you've got a good idea, after first ruling out any utility issue on your end. Then I'd just ask Everlast to send you one of the beefier 2-pole switches which are so common on their other units (or get one locally if you're in a hurry), if you're comfortable doing a little adaptation.

    Quote Originally Posted by BillN View Post
    I've had my i-TIG 201 I purchased from Everlast about two weeks now. After using it a few days (probably less than 4 hours welding time at 18 - 25 amps), the switch on back of the unit would not turn it off. I've only used this unit in the 220 volt mode (no use in the 120 volt mode). So I have been turning the unit on and off by plugging and unplugging the wall plug. It turns out that the on/off "switch" is actually a circuit breaker. I received a new switch/circuit breaker from Everlast a couple days ago (under warranty). After I installed it, it worked fine - for about 6 on/off cycles. Same problem as before - cannot turn unit off with switch, so have to use the wall plug. I don't see any sense in installing another switch/circuit breaker of the same brand and model. I'm wondering if Everlast has other i-TIG 201 customers having this trouble and if they are working on a solution. I'm also thinking of retrofitting another circuit breaker of better quality. It looks like just a typical 30 amp circuit breaker. I will say, though, apart from the switch - I am (so far) very happy with my new i-TIG 201.
    Last edited by christian; 10-27-2016 at 06:42 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by BillN View Post
    I've had my i-TIG 201 I purchased from Everlast about two weeks now. After using it a few days (probably less than 4 hours welding time at 18 - 25 amps), the switch on back of the unit would not turn it off. I've only used this unit in the 220 volt mode (no use in the 120 volt mode). So I have been turning the unit on and off by plugging and unplugging the wall plug. It turns out that the on/off "switch" is actually a circuit breaker. I received a new switch/circuit breaker from Everlast a couple days ago (under warranty). After I installed it, it worked fine - for about 6 on/off cycles. Same problem as before - cannot turn unit off with switch, so have to use the wall plug. I don't see any sense in installing another switch/circuit breaker of the same brand and model. I'm wondering if Everlast has other i-TIG 201 customers having this trouble and if they are working on a solution. I'm also thinking of retrofitting another circuit breaker of better quality. It looks like just a typical 30 amp circuit breaker. I will say, though, apart from the switch - I am (so far) very happy with my new i-TIG 201.
    I am not aware of any issues with the switches. Unless there is some other issue. Send me your info and a picture of the switch to my email. I'll try to follow up with the factory to trouble shoot the issue directly. The biggest issue, is that I will be out of office this upcoming week. (SEMA). I may be a little late in getting communication followed up if it carries over to next week.

  4. Default

    Thanks for your attention Mark. I'm sending the pictures now.

    Bill Newland

  5. Default

    One more potential point comes to mind, as silly as it may sound, is that on my 210EXT and undoubtedly other Everlast units, there is a delayed shutting down of the unit for about 5-10 seconds after the switch is OFF, which is some sort of a feature or helpful measure, i.e., you'll hear the fan going etc., even though though it has been turned off.

    So, if you've been tending to pull the plug within those 5-10 seconds you may not actually have a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by BillN View Post
    I've had my i-TIG 201 I purchased from Everlast about two weeks now. After using it a few days (probably less than 4 hours welding time at 18 - 25 amps), the switch on back of the unit would not turn it off. I've only used this unit in the 220 volt mode (no use in the 120 volt mode). So I have been turning the unit on and off by plugging and unplugging the wall plug. It turns out that the on/off "switch" is actually a circuit breaker. I received a new switch/circuit breaker from Everlast a couple days ago (under warranty). After I installed it, it worked fine - for about 6 on/off cycles. Same problem as before - cannot turn unit off with switch, so have to use the wall plug. I don't see any sense in installing another switch/circuit breaker of the same brand and model. I'm wondering if Everlast has other i-TIG 201 customers having this trouble and if they are working on a solution. I'm also thinking of retrofitting another circuit breaker of better quality. It looks like just a typical 30 amp circuit breaker. I will say, though, apart from the switch - I am (so far) very happy with my new i-TIG 201.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    No doubt that is the fans draining the residual charge in the filter caps.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. Default

    Yes Christian, I'm aware of the delayed shutting down of the unit. Mine is more like 20 sec. When the switch failed in (in both cases) in the "on" mode, the unit stayed on several minutes before I finally unplugged it.


  8. #8


    I have to agree, the power switch on the i-Tig 201 is substandard.

    I don't imagine it would be that hard to replace, I'll have to see how it holds up...

    BillN, did you replace your switch or are you using the stock switch? It really feels wimpy when you turn the unit on/off.


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