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Thread: PP80S Duty Cycle

  1. Default PP80S Duty Cycle

    So I am confused what is the duty cycle on this unit. on page says 60% at 60amps and another say 100% at 63 amps. Which is correct?

    Also while i am at it. I am putting this on a plasma table replacing a ever-last unit that well =) shouldn't be used for cnc lol, and was looking at using using the pt-60 machine head rather then the pt-80. I don't plan on cutting over 1/4 or maybe 3/8 at most would the pt-60 torch be able to handle that? I do a lot more sign work where the lower amp/finer tips would be more beneficial, but still want to be able to cut 1/4. Would rather not have to run two heads or be switching heads.


  2. #2


    60% at 80 amps and 100% a 63 amps.
    The PT 80 torch has better consumable options.

  3. #3


    If you want the best options for thin kerf cutting, the S-45 machine torch would give you finer cuts. The ipt 80 torch would give you thicker capacity. Having two is ideal...the S-45 machine torch isn't that bad...but I wouldn't cut with it over 40 amps.

  4. #4


    Your unit also lists the specs onthe data plate.

  5. #5


    was thinking on getting this machine...was mostly gonna be cutting 1/8 5052 aluminum ...some are gonna be long cuts but must of them will be 6 to 8" holes...i know aluminum is a little harder to cut with plasma but does everyone think this unit will be good for this?
    250 ex
    205 mig
    milwaukee grinder
    140e mig

  6. #6


    The 60 or 80 will be fine for it.

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