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Thread: smooth plasma cuts

  1. #1

    Default smooth plasma cuts

    I'm getting some amazingly smooth manual cuts from my PU 205. I was initially having trouble moving the torch across the work smoothly and the cuts can only be as smooth as the feed is.
    I removed the little spring steel standoff that comes on the 60 amp torch (the Chinese style torch with zap strap switch) and started using a .25 thick aluminium straight edge to guide the torch. This way the torch cup sits up on top of the straight edge and the tip rides against the .25 tall vertical edge.

    So the aluminium piece is both straight edge and standoff.

    This method maintains a tiny constant distance between the tip and the work, something a bit less than 1/16". This is a lot closer than the factory standoff. The close gap seems to produce a smoother faster cut with less dross.

    Also, for some reason all the drag and catching that was happening when using the factory standoff is gone and the torch slides along smoothly on the straight edge with minimal effort. The small gap between the tip and the work seems to be ideal, the cuts can be made very fast and the finish is near perfect, just as good as those I made using the milling machine feed.

    I'll post some photos when I get a battery in the camera.

  2. #2


    here's the photos
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	plasma al. straight edge 001.jpg 
Views:	480 
Size:	91.6 KB 
ID:	391   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	even more plasma 002.jpg 
Views:	466 
Size:	74.5 KB 
ID:	392  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Too far North! Midwest USA


    When you use an aluminum flat as a guide doesn't that short the tip to the work and cause the hole in the tip to burn to its self? I tried using the metal straight edge and had that problem. Now I use a strip of Oak that is mitered about 1/8 inch on the bottom to clear the area for the plasma flame that way the heat doesn't burn the wood as quick. Later I may epoxy an aluminum strip on top of the Oak for a smoother guide.

  4. #4


    I use a piece of aluminum as problems. It might be the torch itself, a different design.
    Worn, nice cut. Its nice to see an indepenedent verification of what I have been telling people all along from my experience.

  5. #5


    So far I've had no problems at all with shorting out thru the tip when using aluminium as a straight edge or as a template of any kind.

  6. Default I has same problem

    Great idea i had the same problem and I like the simple idea of a spacer. I too was afraid it would short out so I will try a few different samples Thanks for the photo it sure wont get better than that

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