Just posting update experience not quite a year on now. Love this 255 machine, stock 9 torch eh!, but I did abuse it a tad so..... IT and switch went wonky at 4 months but just swapped torch end for miller and all is fine, but again grain of salt on stock torch, cause I use it and the machine a lot! And really i leaned on thumb switch till I mastered stick and now with stick I just don't need it. The machine itself flawless in every way, I rally love this thing. Was doing thin body sheet metal this week and even with all the top end it has low end is awesome as well, and again stitch function awesome! New fan setup not a prob, hear it but not excessive in any way, and whatever its doing its doing well cause no duty issue ever! Ive literally welded everything with it and its been perfect in every function. Oh wait! nickel stick, only thing I haven't done with it. Wish ground was longer, only thing I can think of in con column, and this picking hairs, the clamp is great but just wish for longer lead. Still dragging it round no cart yet, half cause I'm busy using the snot out of it, half cause I'm waiting to get mig for all in one cart.