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Thread: Power Plasma 50 Post Flow Air Question

  1. #1

    Default Power Plasma 50 Post Flow Air Question

    I have my PP50 all hooked up and it's cutting pretty well, but is there a way to disable the Post Flow Air? I have the timer set to "0" and sometimes there is no post flow, and sometimes the air stays constantly on. This is a HUGE problem for me being this is hooked up to a CNC that expects to have an arc when the code says to turn the arc on.

    Here is what happens. I hit the CNC go button, the program runs and begins the first cut. Cut is finished, air goes off, rapids to next cut. It begins the cut... continues to cut... and at the end of the cut, arc goes out and the air still flows even though the timer is set to "0". When it rapids over to the next cut, and tries to strike an arc, it can't get an arc since there is already air flowing. Is there some way I can disable the post flow totally?

  2. #2


    The post flow is there to save your torch and your consumables. But you might have a weak spring in the solenoid. You have to have some post flow or your torch will not last.

  3. #3


    Is there a way to adjust the spring, or would I need a new one? I've only had it for (4) days. It's brand new.

  4. #4


    Contact tech support and we can walk you through the options.

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