the link below is a project I have recently completed. Pizza oven if any one is interested. Fun project and a great way to entertain and cook....wayne
the link below is a project I have recently completed. Pizza oven if any one is interested. Fun project and a great way to entertain and cook....wayne
amazing build, very nice work, of course you know that type of backyard cooking has been around for a long time, most of the early settlers made theirs out of mud and willow, my gramma had one she used for baking bread right up until the late 60's, they called them a piche.
You must be serious about Pizza!
Nice work Wayne. It's making me hungry.
Seems like a cooking theme here. My kids built a grill from an old water tank and engine stand. Will have to get some pictures up. It has welding, cutting and bolts (so technically goes in another thread). The bolts were in the event we needed to use the engine stand.
It has a slide out shelf, can be rotated to empty it and it can stand upright for a vertical smoker.
Mike R.
877-755-9353 x203
M-F 12 - 7PM PST
FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.
This project is a thing of beauty! Thank you ever so much for sharing this with the rest of the world!
Wow that thing's amazing! Great work. I thought it looked great without the roof over it though. But I guess now if you need to use it in the rain, you're set.
'13 Everlast 255EXT
'07 Everlast Super200P
A thing of beauty, very ellegant, love that oven taste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLY COW! That is an amazing project! I am truly inspired by your work.
Big Willy in Rockford, Il. Power Pro 205, Lincoln 140 Mig, Oxy/Acetylene rig with a Cobra Torch, Full up Motorcycle shop.
Active Ironbutt Member.
WOW you do amazing work!
James Swanson
Millermatic 135
(saving for a Power pro 256)
Linde HDA200
Custom water cooler and cart
I guess its up to me to ask the question everyone one has been hinting at. When are you going to ask us all over to help you really test this oven? I am sure we are all willing to give our time to help out a fellow member.
Attitude Determines Altitude