Hey, My name is Collin. I purchased a 255ext with a water cooler and two torches about 6 months back. Sometimes my weld are almost pretty if there is no gaps. I need a lot more seat time. I have plenty of projects to get it. I haven't yet connected my water cooler up and was thinking about just running it on everyday low amp welds. I wouldn't think it would hurt anything, but I could be wrong. Anyways I was trying to follow the manual to connect it but the directions the illustration doesn't match what I consider common sense are the color code of the non water cool torch.

Regular torch has dense connector and gas both red.
Water cooled torch has dense connector red and a blue hose coming from it instead of the red.

I figured maybe the blue hose was supposed to go to the blue quick connect on the water cooler, the red would go to the red quick connect on the water cooler, and the black would go to gas.

In the diagram which is not color coded or labeled it shows the blue hose from the dense connector going to the gas and who knows which one is black or red going to the water cooler on the diagram.

If the they would just label the hose by color.