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Thread: Two (2) Free 1/8” CK Wedge Collets For Stubby Lens w/17 Torch

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post
    And if it IS a red colored 26 hose, then it's probably a more flexible 26 hose than was standard OEM from before Everlast improved their hoses, I think.
    Mine looks like the typical red fire retardent flex hose, but the slightly larger 200 amp size, opposed to the 150 amp size.

    I will shamefully admit, I didn't know if these hoses are made of some type of Chinesium fire retardant cloth, I haven't taken it all apart yet, but opened it to see how the it was assembled. As I said, the cable cover seems more to contain the hose and switch cable, IMO, rather than protecting the stuff, but with the electrical cable for the switch, I will use the cover whenever I use the switch, It will only cover 12' after I get a longer hose, but am primarily planning to tack with it.

    I will certainly put those collets to use.

    For extra credit, is there an inexpensive roto-flex head to fit the EV26 ?


  2. Default


    I don't believe there is a Roto-locking torch in a 26 air-cooled style from Everlast, CK Worldwide, or WeldTec. So, a 26 Flex is the next-best thing, I think.

    So, yeah, I believe any new, red-colored OEM hose from Everlast is better in flexibility that their old, black-colored OEM hoses.

    So, no, you or I still can't seem to buy an inexpensive, sole Roto-locking TIG torch from Everlast, CK Worldwide, of WeldTec, as they all sell them only as a torch/hose assembly, or as two or three main parts: the head, the body, and the handle. Which for CK and WeldTec add up to over $100, just for a Roto TIG torch, if I recall correctly. Of course, the Everlast solution, with it's integrated Dinse/Gas QuickConnector is the best value of the three Roto Torch Assemblies.

    Otherwise, I've often suspected that there's a marketing conspiracy in that, somehow... maybe due to some sourcing agreement. But I'd think there certainly is a market for a generic Roto-Loc TIG torch priced at up to around $39, which would still be fare more profitable for an Asian producer that currently produces and delivers typical TIG torches, like a 26 Flex, to North America for under $20, even though cost of production is undoubtedly higher, by a few bucks.

    I'd certainly buy one for $39, with free delivery, and tax-free.

    Quote Originally Posted by aland View Post
    Mine looks like the typical red fire retardent flex hose, but the slightly larger 200 amp size, opposed to the 150 amp size.

    I will shamefully admit, I didn't know if these hoses are made of some type of Chinesium fire retardant cloth, I haven't taken it all apart yet, but opened it to see how the it was assembled. As I said, the cable cover seems more to contain the hose and switch cable, IMO, rather than protecting the stuff, but with the electrical cable for the switch, I will use the cover whenever I use the switch, It will only cover 12' after I get a longer hose, but am primarily planning to tack with it.

    I will certainly put those collets to use.

    For extra credit, is there an inexpensive roto-flex head to fit the EV26 ?

    Last edited by christian; 01-03-2018 at 11:24 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. Default


    Two (2) 1/8" CK Wedge Collets (4C18GS), for use with a 1/8" Stubby Gas Lens, are freely available again to an Everlast fellow forum member, under the same conditions as the original post, as Alan has returned them to me recently.

    Wedge Collets are great, but you have to buy a packet of (5) from CK Worldwide, and one alone could last for years!
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  4. Default


    I'll be sending these two wedge collets out to Matt, for use with his 255EXT.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

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