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Thread: Where does the text go when going to Advanced editor ?

  1. #1

    Default Where does the text go when going to Advanced editor ?

    Normally I like to use the Advanced editor as it has the uploads there and such, when the work.

    Today when going to the Advanced editor, there is no text in the edit window, but there is up in the preview.

    The editor window seems to think there is no text.

    Did you do something with the configuration today?

    Anything, just curious. Something changed, so someone is playing around with the settings.

    I was told there are people that manage these forums and web pages as well as Amazon, but I don't get it. The number of people that I was told just doesn't make sense to me.

    One person can manage and take care of these Forums easily, yet they continually have problems.

    I know what the problem is, engineers make more money than welders in this area...our housing price are enough to give people from the midwest a quick heart attack, and most salaries would astonish most people. Yet this is the area it is so hard to hire people, even immigrants make 2x-3x what most people make across America...I'm not trying to fault Everlast for how they manage their online processing and/or administration, but that is a part of the engineers don't work for free. Unless you hire professionals that know WTF they're doing, you will be bubble gumming 'til the cows come $0.02...take it with a large grain of salt. I can't even keep myself employed, so WTF do I know?

    That said, could you fix the Advanced editor so it has text in once again? *gd&r*


  2. #2


    Often times it is caused by the patches. Or updates to browsers. Mine is working.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Often times it is caused by the patches. Or updates to browsers. Mine is working.
    Well, that's what I eluded to. If you want to start understanding why some of these issues pop up, keep track of what you patch and what breaks.

    I've seen people ask why the board is not more active, and the answer is typically, it comes and goes, to paraphrase.

    Until you make the board usable people will continue to come and go.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Working fine for me on Chrome.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    Working fine for me on Chrome.
    Yeah, it's working fine on Firefox now also.

  6. #6


    If only picture worked correctly with thumbnails and auto resizing.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by zoama View Post
    If only picture worked correctly with thumbnails and auto resizing.
    I have setup and configured a few online forums, and there's a lot of need to dig down in there.

    It's easy to f#@$ stuff up also, when you start playing with the design, themes, default configs, etc...

    Anyone can play the bull in the China store, but to really understand and set things up correctly is a bit more involved.

    I don't feel like this will be a reliable resource over time, unfortunately. There is more information on Everlast machines on other sites.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by aland View Post
    I don't feel like this will be a reliable resource over time, unfortunately.
    It used to be, but it seems the company has other priorities now. It's not a question of, if you build it, they will come. More like, if you break it, they will leave.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    It used to be, but it seems the company has other priorities now. It's not a question of, if you build it, they will come. More like, if you break it, they will leave.
    I couldn't agree with you more, I believe this is what happens in the real world.

    They do have priorities, and I can understand. I think it's difficult for them to keep up with sales. They are moving the office also, not sure when, but they are moving it.

    No matter what, this is all just greed at the end of the day. It's being short sighted and not using these online forums to provide best in class customer service and create a community. I guess it's too much for them to think about at this time.

    The worst thing about this for me is that you have been more helpful to me than anyone on the Everlast forums. You have answered and offered answers to my questions on things like the accessories and connectors on my machine. I really appreciate it, but it shouldn't be that way. Everlast should be fielding questions to people and offering better support on this forum.

    I started to follow their IG and they post on IG more frequently than they do on these forums...go figure...I'm sure they have reasons why or how thin they are spread, but it's hard for me to offer any sympathy to a problem that will most likely only get worse if their sales continue to rise at the pace they have been.


  10. #10


    I really don't know what your issue is with us. You've not been here long and really are making a lot of assumptions that are wrong. We answer and field questions regularly. But if a customer answers it and it is correct, that's a good thing. It's not about greed at all. People work hard and long hours in our company. I've been with them 9 years, going on 10 quickly. IG is for promotion and is handled by other people. We use these forums as a point of contact with the customers and to help any emergency issues, or basic sales and technical questions when other avenues aren't available. It works and works decent enough for that purpose. We probably have a bug left over from some recent website work. It may not be polished enough for you. I can understand that. But Miller not long ago had their forum down for a while if I recall correctly, and they have a larger company and staff than we do. Lincoln and ESAB don't even have a forum at all if I recall correctly. I suppose that is about greed too? We prefer to concentrate on product development and support rather than on flash and little substance. We've made great improvements in all areas in the past few years. You've not been around to take notice. But there is always someone it seems that say it should be done better or faster and have their own opinion on how they could do it better.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    We prefer to concentrate on product development and support rather than on flash and little substance.
    Well thanks for letting me know.

    Check please!

    Last edited by aland; 02-01-2018 at 07:29 AM.

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