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Thread: Aluminum catch cans

  1. #1

    Default Aluminum catch cans

    Aluminum catch cans for race cars, 4"x4"x6". Made for engine breathers and radiator catch/return tanks. Fitting attached based on the application.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Weld2.JPG 
Views:	591 
Size:	77.8 KB 
ID:	414   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rad catch can2.JPG 
Views:	572 
Size:	56.9 KB 
ID:	415  

  2. #2

    Question what gauge al

    LOOKS GREAT! What gauge aluminum and what settings are you using. I want to make something like this. I have a 250 ex.

  3. #3

    Default Can details

    The cans are made of 12 (.080") or 14 (.063") aluminum. The heavier gauge for pressurized applications. Using:
    - Everlast 250 EX
    - Argon at 5.5lpm
    - 3/32 2% lanthanated tungsten ground at 60 degrees with .050" diameter flat point
    - Everlast water cooler
    - CK200 torch with gas lens and #6 cup
    - Max amps at 82
    - Frequency at 150
    - Balance at 20% DCEP (20% cleaning action)
    - no pulse
    - 2 seconds preflow
    - 10 seconds post flow
    - 3/32" 4013 filler rod

    The sheet aluminum comes with a protective cover on one side. I leave the protective cover on while bending and trimming. Then peel off the protective cover and weld - no cleaning.

    I weld one side seam at a time, 4". Start with pedal all the down, welding fairly slowly. Then as the piece absorbs heat, I start moving faster and start letting up on the pedal.

    I use a welding finger heat shield so I can keep my torch hand on the work piece while welding- see

    I tried the torch switch, but could not control the effect the heat build up had on the weld bead width with travel speed alone.

    You can use 1/16" filler if you want the weld beads smaller and flatter. The larger filler rod has a tendency to cool the puddle as you dip it into the puddle, making the ridges more pronounced.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4

    Default Alum Catch Cans

    dlong : Thanks for the specs
    I was thinking about a water cooled torch like weldcraft 20 ,How do you like the ck200 I built a cooler for my 250ex and it works so much better than before. I too use the Tig Finger,Thanks to jody!

  5. #5

    Default torch

    I had used the Weld Craft 20 for years; I had a lot of consumables and gas lenses. The CK 200 was half the price of the Weld Craft and the consumables are interchangeable.

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