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Thread: 10lb spool in 200e

  1. Default 10lb spool in 200e

    So in my 200e I have a 10lb spool of .035.

    I was welding away today and experienced a case of the wire not maintaining the set speed. It got slower and slower. It continued this even after I changed out the tip and rearranged the cable to be as straight as possible.

    When I installed the spool, it of course went in differently than the 1lb does. I wasn't quite sure and did what seemed to make sense because there were no instructions on how to install a 10lbs spool. The wire speed issue got better after I loosened the nut but it was still pretty damned slow for having the dial set to about the 80% mark.

    Anyone use a 10lb'r in a 200e? Are there better adapters that don't require tension?

  2. #2


    post a picture of how you've got it set up and loaded.

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