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Thread: New 250ex: gas flow continues to flow

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  1. Default New 250ex: gas flow continues to flow

    First day here.

    Unpacked my new 250ex and cooler yesterday.

    Got it up and running. Lays the beads down as expected on steel.

    With no rhyme or reason, the gas will not stop flowing after post flow timer reaches it's set time. Not every time but 7 out of 10, it will not stop. I have to cycle the pedal a time or two to get it to stop.... lots of argon blowing away...

    One other thing, frankly I'm not sure is an issue... (my previous 2 years of tig welding are on a diversion 165)
    ...At termination of the arc, there is a arc blast when releasing the pedal (SSC). Doesn't seem to have an effect on the weldment on the thickness I'm working with, but I could see it causing an issue on thinner materials.

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks, Matt Cutler

  2. Default


    I'd try the 2T contactor switch, instead of the pedal, to rule out a pedal problem vs a machine problem, i.e., if post flow works as expected on the 2T switch, it's a pedal problem.

    The arc blast irregularity at termination might hint at a pedal problem as well.

    I upgraded to an SSC pedal very shortly after getting my 210EXT a few years ago. But now Everlast has the NOVA upgrade pedal, which are visually similar/identical to an SSC. (Are you sure you have an SSC pedal?)

    Otherwise, I'd call Everlast after doing that quick test.

    If it's just the pedal, that's easy to remedy.
    Last edited by christian; 04-16-2018 at 03:46 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    I'd try the 2T contactor switch, instead of the pedal, to rule out a pedal problem vs a machine problem, i.e., if post flow works as expected on the 2T switch, it's a pedal problem.

    The arc blast irregularity at termination might hint at a pedal problem as well.

    I upgraded to an SSC pedal very shortly after getting my 210EXT a few years ago. But now Everlast has the NOVA upgrade pedal, which are visually similar/identical to an SSC. (Are you sure you have an SSC pedal?)

    Otherwise, I'd call Everlast after doing that quick test.

    If it's just the pedal, that's easy to remedy.
    Thanks Christian.

    I did try without the pedal, in 2t, with factory supplied 18 water cooled torch; no change.
    I did make numerous attempts with adjustments to different pre/post flow settings; no change.
    I did open the pedal to inspect all the components; all appears well.
    There are zero labels or markings on this pedal, but it is identical to the SSC by all visual indications from the web. No literature was supplied or note on order form for description of the pedal, but it isn't the basic pedal by visual recognition.

    I feel the solenoid valve or its signal control isn't just right...

    Anything else I should try or check?

    Thanks, Matt

  4. Default


    I'd call Everlast support today and let them put you through their troubleshooting paces.

    If there is a machine problem, it's obviously best to deal with it in the first 30 days, so there's no shipping cost incurred on your end.

    I mean, a solenoid is easy to swap out. I've done one on my 210EXT, at a cost of about $19, just so I could have NPT threads for more common fittings that I wanted.

    But on a brand new machine, I probably wouldn't want to dittle around with installing a solenoid sent from Everlast, unless they extended the 100% satisfaction period.
    Last edited by christian; 04-16-2018 at 04:30 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  5. #5


    Yeah I bought a Nova pedal from EL and there isn't any name or stickers of any kind but like you say it does look different than their garden variety standard pedal.

    Garage stuff

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  6. #6


    Foot pedal switch may not be rocking completely off. Cross check with torch switch.

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