First day here.
Unpacked my new 250ex and cooler yesterday.
Got it up and running. Lays the beads down as expected on steel.
With no rhyme or reason, the gas will not stop flowing after post flow timer reaches it's set time. Not every time but 7 out of 10, it will not stop. I have to cycle the pedal a time or two to get it to stop.... lots of argon blowing away...
One other thing, frankly I'm not sure is an issue... (my previous 2 years of tig welding are on a diversion 165)
...At termination of the arc, there is a arc blast when releasing the pedal (SSC). Doesn't seem to have an effect on the weldment on the thickness I'm working with, but I could see it causing an issue on thinner materials.
Any ideas ?
Thanks, Matt Cutler