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Thread: PowerUltra205 help needed. Won't power on, disconnected wire mystery location.

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  1. Default PowerUltra205 help needed. Won't power on, disconnected wire mystery location.

    I have a PowerUltra205 that is unable to power on.
    This it the 2010 model I think.
    A friend was Tig welding with it one day and forgot to put on the ground clamp on the stainless piece I was working on.
    Told me when he touched the electrode to the piece he heard a pop from the box and the unit powered off and I haven't been able to get it to power on again.

    I pulled the cover and on the right bottom rear I found a wire from the secondary side of the transformer just disconnected.
    This is the transformer closet to the rear of the box.
    I could solder it back to the board but I'm not sure where it is supposed to go.

  2. Default

    Here is a wider view and pic of the unit.
    That wire has to connect someplace on that board near by as it's only so long and can't reach any other boards.
    Also, that wire has continuity with the torch port.
    The square pad at the bottom of the board with a hole in it has continuity with the work piece/ clamp port.

    Can anybody with this version of the 205 pop their cover off and post a pic please?

  3. Default


    Your first instinct seems right, about the wire going to that spot, as it looks like it was soldered there, on that point, near the hole, shown in the second photo, close up. (I tried to post a a cropped portion of the image with an arrow, but the forum was finicky about do as much, somehow.)

    Of course, wait for someone with that unit to confirm as much, if possible. But it seems like obvious to me.

    If I were to re-solder it there, I'd bend the tip of the wire to give it some mechanical hooking action as a way to hold better in the solder.

    And please do let us all know if re-soldering it back to that spot was the simple solution.
    Last edited by christian; 11-09-2018 at 11:07 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  4. #4


    Call our guys at ext 207

  5. Default

    I had to upload the pics to my own hosting and have them load remotely from there.
    This forum limits images at a few hundred kilobytes and after resizing I still had problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Call our guys at ext 207
    I have multiple times but no one answers, just get through to voicemail.
    No one has returned my call after leaving a message at that extension.
    I had a couple of emails responded to but no help yet.

  6. Default


    Now I'm thinking that it would more likely go right above that portion of the board with the hole.

    You see that area with the fine, white line going to it. It looks like that had the wire tip soldered to it in a lateral way.

    And it seems like the more natural spot that it reaches toward.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by dsptech View Post

    I have multiple times but no one answers, just get through to voicemail.
    No one has returned my call after leaving a message at that extension.
    I had a couple of emails responded to but no help yet.

    Unfortunately I had to try many times to finally get someone helpful but don't give up there are some good guys there to help. I went through a power on issue with my welder (211 si) and finally got it to turn on but now chasing other issues.

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