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Thread: First experience with Everlast

  1. Default


    So, "Newby", you're not actually a "newbie".

    Thanks for suddenly clarifying that.

    Of course, you now see the ambiguity that you posited.

    I get it, you now want to buy a big boy welder, beyond your 110V one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    Once again you are talking out of your A$$ like you know me or anything about me. If you did you would know I already have a 140 amp 110 volt mig and a Lincoln stick . I was welding last week ...
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    So, "Newby", you're not actually a "newbie".

    Thanks for suddenly clarifying that.

    Of course, you now see the ambiguity that you posited.

    I get it, you now want to buy a big boy welder, beyond your 110V one.

    You and Mark still have not told me how all the negative revues got on You can discount me as a winier or complainer and you can explain away the BBB as only being a pay to play organization. How do you explain all the people taking the time to tell their story about Everlast. I am waiting for an answer????

  3. Default


    You probably can't figure it out on your own.

    It's undoubtedly due to the prevalence in society lately, that you and they are Millennial, Snowflake-types, that get needlessly "triggered" whenever someone doesn't coddle you with positive semantics, supportive statements, and affirmations about how special you are, just for showing up.

    Basically, a misplaced sense of entitlement that causes a emotive and behavioral deficit when dealing with a "no".

    Pissed, poor babies...
    Last edited by christian; 02-27-2019 at 11:12 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    You probably can't figure it out on your own.

    It's undoubtedly due to the prevalence in society lately, that you and they are Millennial, Snowflake-types, that get needlessly "triggered" whenever someone doesn't coddle you with positive semantics, supportive statements, and affirmations about how special you are, just for showing up.

    Basically, a misplaced sense of entitlement that causes a emotive and behavioral deficit when dealing with a "no".

    Pissed, poor babies...
    WTF are you talking ? Here it is you had a good experience with Everlast I had a bad one. Apparently so did many others. I am not a millennial [I wish I were] and far from a snowflake . When I am on the purchase side all I expect is to be treated with respect and the company to act in a professional manor and honor their own ad. That didn't happen so I didn't buy the unit . It should have ended there . If Alex had done his job and not make it personal nobody would even know about this. I have fired many companies with out going on a wright in campaign Alex and you have created this . I am absolutely sure that both of you have cost the company a lot more than the cost of shipping?

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    You and Mark still have not told me how all the negative revues got on You can discount me as a winier or complainer and you can explain away the BBB as only being a pay to play organization. How do you explain all the people taking the time to tell their story about Everlast. I am waiting for an answer????
    First, there is no way to verify that they are a customer. We've found numerous on there that aren't even customers. They are trolls who don't like the fact we aren't miller or Lincoln. Then, we've had people try to blackmail (frequently I might add, as it seems that the double edged sword to offering low prices is that you also attract less than honest people in a higher proportion) to post on there if they didn't get their way about something, blowing things out of proportion, or because they saw a better price 2 months later, and wanted a refund for the difference. I even sold a personal unit that I had to a customer, that was mine. I told him so and even put it in writing. I sent pictures even, and explained it. He wanted it. When he got it, he said the consumables were "used" and what could I do to "make him more happy". He then went back to the company and told them I had sold him a used unit and he was going to put it out there on the internet unless they sent him a new unit. Which he did. The company was informed that I was selling my unit to this fellow. That wasn't a problem. This low life guy got a large discount off the price, and a full warranty even but was trying to make out it was some sort of scam despite the paper trail otherwise. This stuff happens quite often believe it or not because they think they have us where they want us and don't realize that our size and scope of business is much larger than they imagine. If you look on there, there are plenty of good companies out there that are listed over some beef or the other that are likely miscommunication or a lack of understanding by the customer.

    For example, this morning, I had two calls about our DC MTS series. One had already bought, the other was thinking about a purchase. Both wanted to weld aluminum with TIG. The one that had bought was not thrilled at all because he bought a unit that was a TIG and it would not weld Aluminum. I had to explain the difference in AC and DC TIG. But I was left with the feeling that he was upset with us, despite all the product information being out there. The other gentleman was thankful he talked direct with me about it and I offered him a choice. But in either case one could blame us if they wanted, but would it be fair in either case just because they don't know DC TIG won't do aluminum (practically speaking). In some cases like this people have demanded we are trying to misconstrue the welder or even demanded we send them an AC/DC model for the same price or they were going to go blab on a forum or site.

    If you want a fair summery of our product, go to Amazon, look at the verified purchases.

  6. Default


    It's probably quite the opposite.

    Like the woman in the video trying to do political harm to Hugh Mungus a couple years ago, your attempts to do financial harm to Everlast are undoubtedly back-firing too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    ...I am absolutely sure that both of you have cost the company a lot more than the cost of shipping?
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    First, there is no way to verify that they are a customer. We've found numerous on there that aren't even customers. They are trolls who don't like the fact we aren't miller or Lincoln. Then, we've had people try to blackmail (frequently I might add, as it seems that the double edged sword to offering low prices is that you also attract less than honest people in a higher proportion) to post on there if they didn't get their way about something, blowing things out of proportion, or because they saw a better price 2 months later, and wanted a refund for the difference. I even sold a personal unit that I had to a customer, that was mine. I told him so and even put it in writing. I sent pictures even, and explained it. He wanted it. When he got it, he said the consumables were "used" and what could I do to "make him more happy". He then went back to the company and told them I had sold him a used unit and he was going to put it out there on the internet unless they sent him a new unit. Which he did. The company was informed that I was selling my unit to this fellow. That wasn't a problem. This low life guy got a large discount off the price, and a full warranty even but was trying to make out it was some sort of scam despite the paper trail otherwise. This stuff happens quite often believe it or not because they think they have us where they want us and don't realize that our size and scope of business is much larger than they imagine. If you look on there, there are plenty of good companies out there that are listed over some beef or the other that are likely miscommunication or a lack of understanding by the customer.

    For example, this morning, I had two calls about our DC MTS series. One had already bought, the other was thinking about a purchase. Both wanted to weld aluminum with TIG. The one that had bought was not thrilled at all because he bought a unit that was a TIG and it would not weld Aluminum. I had to explain the difference in AC and DC TIG. But I was left with the feeling that he was upset with us, despite all the product information being out there. The other gentleman was thankful he talked direct with me about it and I offered him a choice. But in either case one could blame us if they wanted, but would it be fair in either case just because they don't know DC TIG won't do aluminum (practically speaking). In some cases like this people have demanded we are trying to misconstrue the welder or even demanded we send them an AC/DC model for the same price or they were going to go blab on a forum or site.

    If you want a fair summery of our product, go to Amazon, look at the verified purchases.
    OK I think I get it now. The people that posted are probable not even customers just trolls that picked your company to frame? If they are real customers then they are probably just low life guys trying to black mail you and get something for free. I still don't quite understand why they don't do the same to other brands ? I can't imagine why they would single out your company to bash. But wait I had some of the same experiences when I called ? I don't want to blackmail you or get something for nothing. It true I am not a customer but only because Alex CANCELED my order on the same day. After reading your posts I can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The fact that you would post you think your customers are low life dishonest blackmailers fits in well with what I have see at Everlast.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    It's probably quite the opposite.

    Like the woman in the video trying to do political harm to Hugh Mungus a couple years ago, your attempts to do financial harm to Everlast are undoubtedly back-firing too.
    I only know for certain one sale lost. I went to the local Airgas store today and bought a new Esab Rebel EMP215IC yes they had it in stock and loaded it up for me. Yes it came out to exactly what was quoted early in the month. No I didn't get into an argument .No I didn't Pay shipping. It was overall a pleasant experience took all of about 10 minutes the only reason it took that long was I did a little shopping and picked up a few widgets while I was there. When I got home I unboxed it and hooked everything up . All went well until I tried to weld pulled the trigger and nothing. I went over everything again I didn't see where I missed anything so I called Airgas and they answered first ring.The sales person didn't know what was wrong so she gave me the company phone number. I called and they answered 2nd ring. The nice lady that answered [not Russian sounded American ] transferred me to tech support . Silly me when I set up the Smig [That stands for smart mig] I pushed the button after I set it up and that clears the info I entered. So 15-30 seconds on the phone and I am in business. I wont get into how it welds since this is a Everlast forum I will only say I am very happy. You are officially off the hook I will never post here again. You know what forums to find me.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    OK I think I get it now. The people that posted are probable not even customers just trolls that picked your company to frame? If they are real customers then they are probably just low life guys trying to black mail you and get something for free. I still don't quite understand why they don't do the same to other brands ? I can't imagine why they would single out your company to bash. But wait I had some of the same experiences when I called ? I don't want to blackmail you or get something for nothing. It true I am not a customer but only because Alex CANCELED my order on the same day. After reading your posts I can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The fact that you would post you think your customers are low life dishonest blackmailers fits in well with what I have see at Everlast.
    You asked for an explanation, and now you reject it and color it once again to suit your point of view. I don't say everyone is fake. But most are one sided and not fully honest as in the way sledsports didn't really reveal the whole story up front here. Same issue. But many are fake. They indeed do it to other import brands. I've seen even the same "name" posted about multiple products. There are guys that can't stand foreign built product that will go out of their way to make things up. This is a phenomenon on the internet, well known and established which we have been subjected to over and over. When you have hundreds of thousands of units in the field, you are going to have someone not satisfied. It's a fact of life. We try to avoid having issues with customers, but not everyone is going to be a happy camper. That's just a reality we have to work with.

    The Low life? He was. He wanted me to give him free torches and consumables and even give him money back and wanted the company to stand good for a new unit even when I had sold my own personal unit to him and made it clear over multiple emails. We made a deal. He had all the info. The unit worked perfectly and he received a new warranty backed by the company. Yet he said he'd go on the forums and tell everyone that we sold a used unit to him. When in fact he had asked me about any demos or used units. I told him I had my personal one that I had used. I sent him pictures of the unit in detail, from multiple angles. He then proceeded to email the company and tried to bad mouth me. He then claimed he would post up bad info about us if we didn't send him new stuff. He had the nerve to say I am "somewhat satisfied, but what can you do to sweeten the deal and make me more than satisfied?" There was an implied "wink wink" in his tone. I had even sent extra stuff to him that I had that I didn't even list in the sale because I wanted him to get more than he bargained for (I had a lot of extra consumables and stuff piling up) . Yet he was wanting me to give him back my money on the unit that I owned, and the company send him new stuff. THAT is a definition of a low life. What else would you call it?

    As far as blackmailers? Yes. There are plenty out there. Just as there are thieves. We have customers call regularly to report thefts of their units. Do I disbelieve there are bad people out there just because it would be rare to have a unit stolen? But when you have so many on the market, they do get stolen. Even some of those thieves call in wanting warranty sometimes, or someone calls in wanting warranty on a unit they bought stolen, and we deny warranty, and they get mad about it.

    I see you have a long way to go to understand business from a business standpoint. I don't mean to denigrate you, but I do think you are looking at it from a very narrow view point with limited experience. Again, I hate you had a bad experience with us. It happens. No one denies it, but all kinds of things can lead to a customer having a bad experience, including expectations not based in reality, miscommunication, and just plain ole fact that two humans can see the same wreck and not see the same things.

  10. Default

    Ha, ha, ha...

    "Smig", short for "Smart MIG". Is that what they told you or call it in the literature?

    Yeah, ESAB may call is "smart", others call it "synergic". It's not that new.

    Of course, I was never on any "hook", and I rather enjoyed the debate, even as cursory as I chose to be.

    Honestly, all of your posts were so rich with so many fallacies, irrational ideas, examples of a demanding thinking style (e.g., "should", "shouldn't"), xenophobia, etc, that it would have been silly of me to have refuted them all.

    So, come back anytime.

    Then maybe we can go more in-depth on welding, cognitive disputation of irrational ideas and thinking styles, Austrian School economics...

    Those are just a few of my favorite topics.

    Otherwise, you now have a new [s]MIG welding unit. That's nice.

    Getting a new welding unit has always been a fun time for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    ...The nice lady that answered [not Russian sounded American ] transferred me to tech support . Silly me when I set up the Smig [That stands for smart mig]... You are officially off the hook I will never post here again. You know what forums to find me.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  11. #51


    I cant believe this thread is still going.
    Miller Dynasty 400 wireless
    Miller Coolmate 3.5
    Miller Xmt350 CC/CV
    Miller S74DX feeder
    Miller 30A spool gun
    Miller WC24
    M150 MIG Gun
    M25 Mig gun
    Bernard Q Gun
    CK 230 Flexlock
    CK 250 Flexlock
    Speedway SW320
    Miller Spectrum 875
    Hypertherm 1250 g3
    Everlast powerplasma 100s
    Harris Oxy/Fuel
    Langmuir crossfire hobby table
    Cincinnati lathe
    Mazak lathe
    Big knee mill
    A pet Raccoon
    I'm just a peckerwood in the middle of nowhere with fancy welding equipment.

  12. Default

    Apparently, Newby doesn't recognize a Troll when he sees one...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	troll.jpg 
Views:	378 
Size:	17.0 KB 
ID:	13821  

  13. Default


    Someone can't spot the notable trait here.

    It's the one where someone holds themselves as there own emotive hostage, while they then demand their own ransom, i.e., "You must give me X at sale price Z, plus give me free shipping, plus I demand to speak to the owner, or I'll go on an internet crusade to try to smear Company Y's reputation."

    I've seen examples of women doing it in certain relationships, though.

    But, apparently, men are not immune to using it as a tactic of demandingness in a market exchange context, either.
    Last edited by christian; 03-09-2019 at 04:11 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    Someone can't spot the notable trait here.

    It's the one where someone holds themselves as there own emotive hostage, while they then demand their own ransom, i.e., "You must give me X at sale price Z, plus give me free shipping, plus I demand to speak to the owner, or I'll go on an internet crusade to try to smear Company Y's reputation."

    I've seen examples of women doing it in certain relationships, though.

    But, apparently, men are not immune to using it as a tactic of demandingness in a market exchange context, either.
    Happens all too often.

  15. Default

    What an entertaining thread.

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