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Thread: First experience with Everlast

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    It was new and unknown, until recently.

    Now, if someone notices the bullseye welts immediately after the tick bite, the treatment and prognosis is much better.

    Can you recall, Mark, when there might have been that time when the initial tick bit might have occurred?

    I mean, did you go hunting often back around the time of the initial onset of the symptoms?

    Or, maybe it could have just been during some tree branch trimming around the home.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  2. Default

    Here is the bottom line . I believe I have dodged the bullet here . I not only attempted to buy but ordered and payed for it in full before it was canceled by Alex . I also believe if the sale had gone through it would have been a mistake if not sooner than later. I have to say thank you to Alex for being such an A$$ on the phone and ending the sale he actually did a good thing for me. I am not a welder or professional fabricator by any means. If I were I probably would not have even looked at everlast. Since all this has taken place I have visited my local Airgas store . I looked at Miller , Lincoln and Esab. I have decided to buy the ESAB Rebel EMP 215ic . Even though it costs more than twice as much I am confident it is a high quality machine and all parts , service and warranty are handled at the local dealer . The best thing Everlast can do is to retrain their employees its not the equipment its the staff. Like the saying goes the best price isn't always the best deal .

  3. Default


    There was no "bullet" that you missed, only an opportunity.

    My very "first experience with Everlast", and several others that followed have been quite good, even with some purchasing/shipping/communication twists and turns, so to speak.

    I mean, you've been whining on WeldingWeb and threads/forums about this, and now here too. But, you've lost nothing. And you've apparently still never actually even seen an Everlast welding machine up close. Yet you've been whining for weeks now, across the Worldwide Web about Everlast and your victimhood.

    Buying an Everlast welding unit is NOT difficult. Using, owning, getting service, and getting support for one isn't either, as I've done them all.

    I mean, somehow you've had or made a bad experience of it. But you've got nothing to really cry about, that I can tell.

    I mean, so what, even if someone there may have not have granted you a lowered price or coddled you in soothing semantic gestures. Do you really need a "safe space" to retreat to after a phone conversation? Of course, if you did speak harshly in reference to a women who works at Everlast, then I'm glad you're not in the Everlast Club, as I certainly would have have told you buy elsewhere, and more.

    I mean, I don't think I've seen a real "horror" story about Everlast, or any other major welding unit producers, i.e., one that has a loss of hundreds or thousands of dollars on a welding unit. You know, like, if someone bought a new unit that fails shortly after purchase, and after the warrantee is expired, only to find used components inside the unit, or something like that... Nope, haven't seen one yet!


    Maybe Everlast would do well to have fewer sales, so some people won't cry about missing one. I think their previous free shipping may no longer be included in their purchase price now, probably to offset new or potential US trade sanctions/tarriffs against US importers/consumers.

    My Everlast unit and the service I got right at the outset was great, as I asked to upgrade to a more advanced unit while a PT185DV was currently in route to me after purchasing it through Everlast, indirectly via Amazon. And during that initial interaction with Everlast directly, by phone at their office, which included Kataya, Alex, and Oleg, the process was very reasonable and pleasant. Kataya redirected the initial unit back to the warehouse while it was still enroute, Oleg offered me a nice value for the price difference on the upgrade, ultimately to the 210EXT, which I've owned now for about four years. Back then I initially called in for a settings tip on the unit, and got a call back from Mark in about 20 minutes, and he had me squared away in just a few minutes over the phone.

    So, I've been an Everlast fan ever since.

    And, maybe it's stereotyping, but speaking with a bright Russian-sounding woman, like Kataya, over the phone ago gives me the impression that Russian women are mostly all sexy somehow. But maybe that's just me.
    Last edited by christian; 02-21-2019 at 08:43 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  4. Default

    Try reading the thread from the start. I did talk to a nice lady in customer service she was very pleasant and tried to make it right. I asked to talk to Oleg but was prevented by Alex. Maybe if I had talked to him things would be different. Make no mistake about it this was never about the money . If you post a price on your website and offer free shipping then you dam well better honor it . None of this would have happened if Everlast would have addressed the problem directly . Its obvious you are a Everlast fan boy nothing wrong with that I am glad it went well for you and I think you got a thing for the Russian lady. I will just let this die and buy a welder from a local source. Unless you want to keep fighting?

  5. Default


    You still haven't bought a welder yet?

    And you're still crying about nothing!

    You're also still watching and responding to this thread, within about 2 hours.

    Sure, what's not to like about Russian women, and most others too.

    Your demands to talk to Oleg, the Everlast owner, were unreasonable, and were denied by big, bad Alex. Poor baby! Which is where you apparently and predictably lost your emotive and behavioral control, then you irrationally condemned yourself to hating Everlast forever. OK, there is a logic in that, even if the premise is flawed.

    I mean, I never demanded on speaking with Oleg. It's only a coincidence that I did, four years ago, as at that time he may have been more involved in the mundane decisions directly with customers.

    So, yes, please do, buy yourself a welding unit soon, so we don't tend to see your worldwide whining about nothing.

    And while you're at it, ask to speak to the ESAB regional sales manager for your own, special deal, too.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    You still haven't bought a welder yet?

    And you're still crying about nothing!

    You're also still watching and responding to this thread, within about 2 hours.

    Sure, what's not to like about Russian women, and most others too.

    Your demands to talk to Oleg, the Everlast owner, were unreasonable, and were denied by big, bad Alex. Poor baby! Which is where you apparently and predictably lost your emotive and behavioral control, then you irrationally condemned yourself to hating Everlast forever. OK, there is a logic in that, even if the premise is flawed.

    I mean, I never demanded on speaking with Oleg. It's only a coincidence that I did, four years ago, as at that time he may have been more involved in the mundane decisions directly with customers.

    So, yes, please do, buy yourself a welding unit soon, so we don't tend to see your worldwide whining about nothing.

    And while you're at it, ask to speak to the ESAB regional sales manager for your own, special deal, too.
    You really don't want to just let it go do you? Alright lets continue then. Did you read the entire thread ? So 4 years ago you had a good experience with Everlast. 1 month ago I had a bad experience. One that could have and should have been resolved immediately but NO Big Bad Alex decided to confront and escalate instead of resolve and desolate . I asked for nothing more than what was advertised on the Everlast website not Ebay or Amazon if a mistake was made in the ad it was Everlast's mistake. I understand the owner doesn't have time to handle day to day customer service issues that's why company's hire CS people to handle these issues . Or like Everlast they hire Big Bad Alex to bully and strong arm potential customers and in the end lose the sale. I didn't buy the Esab yet since it is more than double what I was going to pay. I should have it by the first part of March I can post pictures if you want?

  7. Default


    I've read this thread, the one on WeldingWeb that mentioned how an apparent relational Google database component can affect posted pricing, and the one on too, where I was interacting on, when your whining about nothing was interjected.

    Sure, mistakes can be made by Everlast in their price changes, especially if they rely on a third party, like Google.

    But, lets say it was just a "typo" in the new price by Everlast alone, and you were there to catch it and demand that it be honored, even though it was not intended by the seller nor was it a fair price for the seller to make a profit. That is, it was a win-lose exchange, rather than a win-win in the typical free market sense, where both the buyer and seller are happy with the the exchange price.

    This does happen too, as old-school typos still do occur in advertising.

    So, I'll recommend, that going forward you might consider putting your proverbial big boy pants on, and look for win-win exchanges, i.e., don't try to or demand to buy things at a price that a seller doesn't want to sell at.

    You obviously were not the victim of "bullying" or "strong arming" by Alex. You were only hearing words over the phone and not getting your preferred way. Big, bad Alex has no superpower to control your emotions, only you do.

    So, apparently Everlast made a mistake (possibly with the help of Google database timing changes) in how a sale price no longer includes free shipping, which had been a long standing norm for Everlast; apparently no longer though.

    But, you still had to have it (free shipping), even if it was a losing or unintended proposition for the seller, didn't you?

    So, you've needlessly gone away mad, been crying about nothing on the worldwide web, will pay twice as much for a similar ESAB MIG unit, plus pay sales tax at a LWS source.

    Nah, pics of the ESAB aren't necessary. We've seen it, and for that price, or even less, you could have an Everlast 211Si Synergic MIG Multi, with the whole DC TIG package, HF arc starts, automatic gas solenoid, and an included foot pedal, too.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    I've read this thread, the one on WeldingWeb that mentioned how an apparent relational Google database component can affect posted pricing, and the one on too, where I was interacting on, when your whining about nothing was interjected.

    Sure, mistakes can be made by Everlast in their price changes, especially if they rely on a third party, like Google.

    But, lets say it was just a "typo" in the new price by Everlast alone, and you were there to catch it and demand that it be honored, even though it was not intended by the seller nor was it a fair price for the seller to make a profit. That is, it was a win-lose exchange, rather than a win-win in the typical free market sense, where both the buyer and seller are happy with the the exchange price.

    This does happen too, as old-school typos still do occur in advertising.

    So, I'll recommend, that going forward you might consider putting your proverbial big boy pants on, and look for win-win exchanges, i.e., don't try to or demand to buy things at a price that a seller doesn't want to sell at.

    You obviously were not the victim of "bullying" or "strong arming" by Alex. You were only hearing words over the phone and not getting your preferred way. Big, bad Alex has no superpower to control your emotions, only you do.

    So, apparently Everlast made a mistake (possibly with the help of Google database timing changes) in how a sale price no longer includes free shipping, which had been a long standing norm for Everlast; apparently no longer though.

    But, you still had to have it (free shipping), even if it was a losing or unintended proposition for the seller, didn't you?

    So, you've needlessly gone away mad, been crying about nothing on the worldwide web, will pay twice as much for a similar ESAB MIG unit, plus pay sales tax at a LWS source.

    Nah, pics of the ESAB aren't necessary. We've seen it, and for that price, or even less, you could have an Everlast 211Si Synergic MIG Multi, with the whole DC TIG package, HF arc starts, automatic gas solenoid, and an included foot pedal, too.
    You just don' t get it yet . I never demanded they take a loss I only said if you are not going to honor YOUR ad on YOUR website I will look elsewhere. It should have never gone where BIG BAD ALEX took it to . I never asked to talk to the owner only a supervisor. It was BIG BAD ALEX that brought up Oleg and then gave me the wrong email address. You resort to childish personal name calling to try and justify Everlasts actions. They were WRONG and you are too . This is not the first time this has happened it looks to me this is their business model. They are not a honest and trustworthy company. The product they sell[Not Build] may be fine but the customer service is BAD . Maybe they were better 4 years ago ? Go to and see what others got from Everlast . You are right the Everlast equipment is a lot cheaper than the Esab as I said it was never about the money . The reason I am going with Esab is LOCAL service, LOCAL parts and LOCAL warranty repairs . I will never have to box up and send back a welder at my own expense.

  9. Default

    This is from the BBB

    I purchased my welder on 3/16 and didn't get an opportunity to use it until June. It worked for approximately 1 hour before it broke. I shipped it to the Everlast service center on my own money on June the 16. It has been there ever since .
    It took until 3/10/17 to get resolved?

    Purchased via Amazon on August 24, 2015 for $1,216.99. Machine failed on November 2, 2015. Obtained return authorization from *** at Everlast. Shipped back at my expense for $153.67 on March 2, 2016. Heard nothing, so called on June 21, 2016 - 3.5 months later. They told me it would be done by July 1, 2016. Heard nothing, so called on July 15, 2016. They told me it was next on the bench. I just got done reading through the other BBB complaints and it sounds like this is exactly the problem that others have experienced. We had to buy a different Plasma cutter from another company to get us by. My business has LOST money since we have been down a Plasma cutter. Not to mention that we have spent $1,370.66 between the purchase and shipment to be repaired. This is unacceptable.
    Again it got resolved on 03/10/17


    I purchased an Everlast powertig 210EXT tig welder in March 2015. The reason why I chose Everlast was because of their advertised 5 year warranty. My welder stopped working January 27th 2016, I called technically support on February 2nd, 2016. I spoke to *** at everlast tech support who instructed me to mail it in for repair- I sent it in that day. I called two weeks later in Mid February to inquire on the status, I spoke to *** again. He informed me it is estimated to be ready the second week of March "We are backed up 4 weeks". I called in March (spoke to *** again) and was told it is estimated to be completed now the second week of April. That time again came and went, I called again last week and again was told by *** "not ready". I sent my welder in February 2 2016, *** at Everlast confirmed receipt on Feb 9th, it is now May 3rd 2016 and my product has yet to be repaired under their warranty agreement. I have called multiple times and spoken to *** at Everlast. Waiting more than 3 months for repair of a product that in some cases represents someone's livelihood is unreasonable and I am unable to find a resolution for this matter.
    This was also resolved on 03/10/17 I guess you have to file a BBB complaint to get your welder back?

    I could not find any BBB complaints against Esob.

  10. Default


    You'll probably be the first BBB complainer for ESAB.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    You'll probably be the first BBB complainer for ESAB.
    I was willing to let this die and move on until you decided to defend the business practices of a company you haven't dealt with in 4 years. You don't know what happened unless you are really Big Bad Alex. Its you that has been speaking out of your a$$ with no actual knowledge of what happened. The truth is I have already won if I helped one person to avoid what I went through . I just noticed they are adverting FREE SHIPPING until 02/28/19 must be another web browser clitch.
    Last edited by Newby; 02-24-2019 at 12:01 PM.

  12. Default


    "What you went through" was nothing more than hearing words through a telephone call, denying your demand.

    That's nothing at all to cry about.

    I've had several subsequent, peripheral purchases, support, and interactions by phone or email with Everlast employees over the last four years.

    All of them were quite straightforward, as I had no irrational or demanding expectations.

    Otherwise, Everlast often markets their units on Amazon with a price, which includes free shipping, that differs from their own website sales page.

    That's also nothing to cry about.

    And, if Everlast personnel decide to once again include free shipping on their own website sales page, so what!

    That's not a conspiracy or anything to cry about.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  13. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    "What you went through" was nothing more than hearing words through a telephone call, denying your demand.

    That's nothing at all to cry about.

    I've had several subsequent, peripheral purchases, support, and interactions by phone or email with Everlast employees over the last four years.

    All of them were quite straightforward, as I had no irrational or demanding expectations.

    Otherwise, Everlast often markets their units on Amazon with a price, which includes free shipping, that differs from their own website sales page.

    That's also nothing to cry about.

    And, if Everlast personnel decide to once again include free shipping on their own website sales page, so what!

    That's not a conspiracy or anything to cry about.

    Well the free shipping ad is gone It said 2/28/19 but was removed 2/24/19 I have never seen or heard of a web browser adding free things to a company's website? The fact this happens multiple times looks like Incompetence or dishonesty to me. Did you go to and read the reviews the same thing that happened to me has happened to others also . Too many red flags . As I said before I don't believe its the product but there is no doubt there are major issues with the company.

  14. Default

    Gee, Newby,

    Your emotively charged descriptions and exaggerations of your interaction with Everlast staff, to yourself, and others (on the worldwide web) is a fairly common thing that people do, which obviously leads to needless and unwarranted over-upsettedness.

    But, now you seem to have gone beyond that, by making false statements about your Everlast interaction and potential purchase, stating that you suffered a $1000 loss.

    Why would you publicly state that you lost $1000, and try to blame Everlast for that, when you had zero in "monetary loss"?

    Of course, it's because you don't have a valid complaint regarding Everlast. But that format calls for a "monetary loss" field, and if you were honest, by putting $0 there, it would have made obvious that you were crying about nothing.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Complainer.jpg 
Views:	465 
Size:	21.7 KB 
ID:	13810

    by SquareWeasel425

    Honestly, I'll recommend an affordable MIG unit for you that approximates the iMIG200, which will save you about $1000 over the ESAB, so you can more quickly cease your complaining about nothing and start welding something. I mean, the two behaviors are incompatible, and I'm guessing you'd rather start welding. It's an off-brand unit via Amazon, at $359, with free shipping, and no tax. It's 200 amp, dual-voltage, cast metal drive, with some nice touches, like burn-back adjustment. So, it gets good reviews, and seems a brilliant value for someone just learning to MIG and also for anybody else who want to burn some wire all the sooner. Of course, it doesn't have that nice 5-year Everlast warrantee and phone support.

    Just think, you could be welding by next week. Wouldn't that be nice!
    Last edited by christian; 02-26-2019 at 05:25 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post
    Gee, Newby,

    Your emotively charged descriptions and exaggerations of your interaction with Everlast staff, to yourself, and others (on the worldwide web) is a fairly common thing that people do, which obviously leads to needless and unwarranted over-upsettedness.

    But, now you seem to have gone beyond that, by making false statements about your Everlast interaction and potential purchase, stating that you suffered a $1000 loss.

    Why would you publicly state that you lost $1000, and try to blame Everlast for that, when you had zero in "monetary loss"?

    Of course, it's because you don't have a valid complaint regarding Everlast. But that format calls for a "monetary loss" field, and if you were honest, by putting $0 there, it would have made obvious that you were crying about nothing.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Complainer.jpg 
Views:	465 
Size:	21.7 KB 
ID:	13810

    by SquareWeasel425

    Honestly, I'll recommend an affordable MIG unit for you that approximates the iMIG200, which will save you about $1000 over the ESAB, so you can more quickly cease your complaining about nothing and start welding something. I mean, the two behaviors are incompatible, and I'm guessing you'd rather start welding. It's an off-brand unit via Amazon, at $359, with free shipping, and no tax. It's 200 amp, dual-voltage, cast metal drive, with some nice touches, like burn-back adjustment. So, it gets good reviews, and seems a brilliant value for someone just learning to MIG and also for anybody else who want to burn some wire all the sooner. Of course, it doesn't have that nice 5-year Everlast warrantee and phone support.

    Just think, you could be welding by next week. Wouldn't that be nice!
    Once again you are talking out of your A$$ like you know me or anything about me. If you did you would know I already have a 140 amp 110 volt mig and a Lincoln stick . I was welding last week . I have a big project starting soon and wanted to update and upgrade my equipment. You are right I would not have entered a loss but the web site required one so the difference between the original price of the Everlast and the new Esab is 1000.00 maybe a stretch but still money out of my pocket. As for your recommendations keep then to yourself you have NO credibility with me. I am done with all cheap knockoff equipment. Your 5 year warranty is only as good as the company giving it? Did you read the BBB statements I posted? Month's and month's of waiting endless calls and missed deadlines and finally having to file a BBB grievance to get it settled. NO thanks I don't believe anything that Everlast says. Over the years I have bought both cheap tools and top end tools I have never regretted having to use better tools .

  16. #36


    BBB is a joke. For them it is pay to play. They clear up matters for you if you pay them. It really is a joke these days among businesses. They were in fact cited for this in California and continue doing this all over the US. FWIW, we do not pay.

    And so many more instances and examples.

  17. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    BBB is a joke. For them it is pay to play. They clear up matters for you if you pay them. It really is a joke these days among businesses. They were in fact cited for this in California and continue doing this all over the US. FWIW, we do not pay.

    And so many more instances and examples.
    Maybe so but they are still out there with negative comments about your company. Since you work for Everlast do you know how Alex treats your customers?
    What about the web browsers alleged tampering with your web site and giving free shipping? Is it true it takes months to get a warranty repair? How do you feel about the postings on are they all lying? I am sure if you are on the receiving side of the BBB you would think it is a joke. Remember all of this was caused by Alex not so much that he wouldn't honor the ad but what he said and the way he said it. This probably could have been avoided if he would have excused himself and let me talk to a supervisor as I requested.

  18. Default

    Of course,

    I'm right that you made a false about Everlast having caused you a "$1000 monetary loss" when they did no such thing.

    You haven't spent a dime with Everlast.

    Your choice to spend $1000 more on an ESAB unit is no justification to falsely state that Everlast took that "money out of my [your] pocket".

    So, yeah, some of those complaints obviously contain misrepresentations about Everlast, like yours does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newby View Post
    ...You are right I would not have entered a loss but the web site required one so the difference between the original price of the Everlast and the new Esab is 1000.00 maybe a stretch but still money out of my pocket...
    Last edited by christian; 02-27-2019 at 03:26 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post
    Of course,

    I'm right that you made a false about Everlast having caused you a "$1000 monetary loss" when they did no such thing.

    You haven't spent a dime with Everlast.

    Your choice to spend $1000 more on an ESAB unit is no justification to falsely state that Everlast took that "money out of my [your] pocket".

    So, yeah, some of those complaints obviously contain misrepresentations about Everlast, like yours does.
    So the rest is true right. Did you read the postings on I don't even know those people yet they had similar experiences. We all cant be wrong . Let me give you a hint I am only answering posts directed at me . Every time you comment and I answer it just keeps this fresh so other potential customers can see and maybe doubt. This is why its never a good thing to expose your dirty laundry in public. Nothing good for Everlast will come of it. If they cared at all about their customers they would have ended it a long time ago.

  20. Default


    Refuting your obvious false statements about Everlast in public does not equate to airing "dirty laundry".

    Nor does that reflect badly on Everlast. Quite the opposite.

    I mean, it appears that Everlast has a policy of not deleting posts and debates like these on their very own forum website (similar to them apparently not paying off the BBB, like other welder companies undoubtedly do), which shows that theirs is a policy and position of strength and integrity, unlike yours.

    Yes, of course, you want to have the last so-called word within this thread...
    Last edited by christian; 02-27-2019 at 05:19 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

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