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Thread: Day TWO 325EXT

  1. Default Day TWO 325EXT

    I went in for another 10 minutes today for another round with the 325EXT.

    Grabbed a piece of mild steel metal from the scrap bin, ground it to a shiny finish and let it rip!

    Parameters;HF Tig Start. Normal set-up, DC, Pedal, Pulse OFF
    PreFlow .5, start 10A, up & down slope 0, 130A, end 10A, Post-Flow 6 sec

    Top right hand bead, too cold. middle bead upped to 150A - getting closer

    The stickout looked like it had changed. With the back cap tight, I could still slide the Tungsten in and out with little resistance, CRAP!
    Changed to a CK collet instead of the "one hung rice" and everything got tight!

    Third try, lowest bead, upped 325 to 160A, I measured the metal and it is .187, NO Wonder!
    Anyway, first tig beads I have run in 20 months!!!!!!

    There is still a problem; notice the brown ring around the middle and bottom weld?
    Either the metal has oil soaked in?
    The Argon gas has been sitting for 3-4 years on that tank and it only has 1000 psi in the tank, might be WONKY!
    The Chinese Tungsten is POS!

    Had on 2 pair of mirrored sunglasses instead of a helmet and squinted, don't tell anybody!

    Anyway, the 325EXT is pretty sporty so far!
    I'll try alittle AL in about 30 MIN.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2736.jpg 
Views:	248 
Size:	147.5 KB 
ID:	13808  
    Last edited by SteveY; 02-13-2019 at 12:18 AM.

  2. Default

    Go get 'em, Tiger!

    You're in tall cotton with that machine.

    Time to get a nice auto-darkening lid, though.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

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