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Thread: A new guy from cold Michigan

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  1. Smile A new guy from cold Michigan

    Hey all from cold as can be Michigan. Receiving my new 221sti hopefully sometime this week. Been welding for a few years in my step dads garage, but decided to pull the trigger and get my own setup. Excited to try it out, heard great things about it. Look foreword to meeting everyone and sharing projects and asking for advice. :-)
    Last edited by mfrankfort; 02-24-2019 at 11:20 PM.

  2. Default


    Yeah, you're one of the first people to give their user-first impressions of such an industry-first welding unit.

    So, please do give us your feedback on this revolutionary unit of yours.

    Rock On, dude!
    Last edited by christian; 02-25-2019 at 05:36 AM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. Default

    So far so good! Been messing around with it here and there getting all the settings right. It's an amazing "not so" little machine. Gotta get some 100 argon to mess around with tig, but so far the mig/flux/stick work flawlessly. Handles 6010 quite nice with the dedicated setting. Synergic mid seems to be a bit off for what I like, but not going to use that one much.

  4. #4


    Adjust your inductance. That will change how the arc feels before you change synergic settings.

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