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Thread: New to the forum and a few Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Port Saint Lucie , Florida

    Default New to the forum and a few Questions

    Hello all , I have been thinking about the Everlast 250EX or the 256 plasma TIG combo unit.
    After watching all the videos fro Jody's site welding tips and tricks and also speaking to Richard in sales and Mike a tech for the company I am selling my Miller Diversion 165 to get the 250EX model. Reason being is I need the 250 amps and the everlast has all of the control that I need for a TIG.
    I have had a MIG 165 for years and finally went up to TIG Because I am doing some work for the marine industry so I wanted a TIG for better stack o dimes look for welding aluminum.BUT one other problem that I have had in the past with TIG is I can not use the foot pedal on a TIG because due to a car accident back in 80 I lost the use of my legs so stuck in a wheelchair I could not use the foot amp control. So I got the Diversion 165 but quickly got out because not a big enough machine.
    So when I get my Diversion sold , or maybe sooner if I can find the money I am going to have a 250EX on its way..
    Sorry for the Long intro but wanted to say hi to the group that hangs out around here and also thank Richard and Mike who I have already spoke to on the phone about getting set up ..
    Also it might take a little more time learning for me because I will only be able to use the welder in 4T mode all of the time unless I can modify the torch to have a amp control like on the Diversion..But even on the Diversion once the amps where dialed in and set then I didnt need to control amps anyway..

  2. #2



    The unit also has a 2t setting. The 250EX panel programming allows full control over up slope and down slope, pre and post flow, start amps and end amps...So I don't think this will be a problem. You may also be able to adapt a CK thumbcontrol for our units, but you will need to talk to Mike to get the specifics of what is necessary to make the conversion.

  3. Default

    Hi Gary, I'm humbled by you not letting your situation hold you back from anything, awesome man! Anyway just as an option, I have recently recieved a 250ex, that i will report on soon ( still evaluating but liking what I'm seeing so far ) I prefer a smaller style 20 series torch myself, and will be using one soon with the 250ex, water cooled WP-20, 3 cable hook up, ( with a few adaptors ). As you know, many models have an amptrol control built into the torch. Just a thought. As mark say's the 2t and 4t work real good, but they DO take some getiing used to if your used to having "real time" control of the amperage. I'm an ole foot pedal guy, so I think your ahead of the game already! - Lou

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Port Saint Lucie , Florida


    Thanks for the replies Mark and Lou,
    Also I thought that in the 2T mode you had to use the foot control for amps? Maybe I miss understood the videos , but that would be great if I didnt need the foot control in 2T and 4T mode. I could just set amps and go.Then just stop and re-adjust the amps when the heat gets built up.

  5. #5


    To USE the foot pedal, the selector switch MUST be in 2T, but 2T does not mean that you cannot use the torch switch. 2T is the standard, press-and-hold switch configuration. Press to start, release to begin the stop cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Port Saint Lucie , Florida


    Thanks Guys , I was not to sure if the 2T setting had to use the foot pedal or not.
    I have put my Diversion out on Craigslist to sell so as soon as I get it out of here then I will order either the 256 combo or the 250EX , I would like to have the plasma cutter but as noted the combo cuts the duty cycle almoast in half so I might sell off something else to get the 60 amp plasma seperate. I always cut with a bandsaw but after watching the videos on the plasma cutter I could save a lot of time with the plasma cutter.
    Also if I can find the site I remember seeing someone selling templates for notching tubing with a plasma cutter which would be great for the work I do..
    Thanks everyone.
    Too bad you guys have not sold on a credit plan or lease plan yet I would have ordered already..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Port Saint Lucie , Florida


    OK well I changed my ming (again ) going to get the 256 combo.After thinking about pros and cons between the 250EX and 256 mainly duty cycle , I am going with the 256 because I dont do 1/4 all of the time to worry about 35% duty cycle versus 60% on the 250EX so for the extra few hundred I get the plasma cutter with it .. Usually I do 3/16 most of the time on bigger long jobs, then .250 a few plates at a time .
    So I will be a member of the 256 club soon..
    Last edited by Gary; 07-29-2010 at 10:38 PM.

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